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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

centralis -is -e in the middle, central, centrum (distributional or systematic position)<br />

Centrantherum Spurred-anthers, kentron-anqeroj<br />

centranthifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Centranthus<br />

centranthoides resembling Centranthus, kentron-anqeroj-oeidhj<br />

Centranthus (Kentranthus) Spur-flower, kentron-anqoj (valerians)<br />

centratus -a -um spined, spurred, kentron, botanical Latin, centratus<br />

centrifugus -a -um developing outwards from the centre, centrum-fugo<br />

centro- sharply-pointed-, spur-like-, kentron, kentrocentrodes<br />

spur-like, kentron-wdhj<br />

Centronia Spur, kentron (the spurred anthers)<br />

Centropetalum Spurred-petal, kentron-petalon, (the appendages on the labellum)<br />

Centropogon Centred-beard, kentro-pogon (the fringe around the stigma)<br />

Centrosema Spurred-standard, kentro-shma (lateral appendages of the vexillum)<br />

Centunculus Small-patch or Saddle-cloth, centunculus, centunculi (Pliny’s name,<br />

re-used by Dillenius (chaffweed, Anagallis minima)<br />

centunculus saddle-cloth, centunculus, centunculi (velvety tan surface of Naucoria<br />

pileus)<br />

cepa, cepae- the old Latin name, caepa, for an onion, onion- (cognate with cive and<br />

chive) (ascalonia caepa, onion from Ascalon, Palestine, gives us the cognate,<br />

shallot)<br />

cepaceus -a -um onion-like, caepa<br />

cepaeifolius -a -um onion-leaved, caepa-folium<br />

cepaeus -a -um grown in gardens, khpaioj, from the ancient Greek for a salad plant<br />

Cephaelis Head-like, kefalh (the dense corymbose inflorescences)<br />

cephal-, cephalidus -a -um head-, head-like-, kefalh, kefal-<br />

Cephalanthera Head-anther, kefal-anqera (its position on the column)<br />

Cephalanthus, cephalanthus -a -um Head-flower, kefal-anqoj (flowers are in axillary<br />

globose heads)<br />

Cephalaria Head, kefalh (the capitate inflorescence)<br />

cephalidus -a -um having a head, kefalh<br />

cephallenicus -a -um from Cephalonia (kefallinia), one of the Ionian Islands<br />

Cephalocereus Headed-Cereus, botanical Latin, cephalo-cactus (the woolly flowering<br />

head)<br />

cephalonicus -a -um from Cephalonia (kefallinia), one of the Ionian Islands<br />

Cephalophora, cephalophorus -a -um Head-bearer, kefalh-fora (with capitate inflorescence)<br />

Cephalophyllum Head-of-leaves, kefalh-fullon<br />

Cephalostigma Headed-stigma, kefalh-stigma<br />

Cephalotaxus Headed-yew, kefalh-tacoj (the globose heads of staminate ‘flowers’<br />

of plum yews) (Cephalotaxaceae)<br />

Cephalotus, cephalotus -a -um, cephalotes Large-flower-headed, with large flowerheads,<br />

having a head-like appearance, kefalh-wthj (Cephalotaceae)<br />

-cephalus -a -um -headed, kefalh, with small heads, kefalij<br />

cepifolius -a -um onion-leaved, caepa-folius<br />

cepiformis -is -e having the shape of an onion, cepae-forma<br />

-ceps -heads, -headed, kefalh, caput, capitis; from French cèpe, Gascon cep, mushroom<br />

cepulae of or upon Alium species (Urocystis smut fungus)<br />

ceraceus -a -um waxy, keroj; cera, cerae; cereus<br />

ceracophyllus -a -um waxy-leaved, keroj-fullon<br />

cerae- waxy-, keroj, cera, cerae<br />

Ceramanthe, Ceramanthus Jug-flower, Imprisoning-flower, keramoj-anqh(oj) (the<br />

form of the corolla)<br />

ceramensis -is -e from Seram island, Indonesia<br />

ceramicus -a -um of the potter, of clay soils, keramoj (keramixoj, keraminoj, kerameuj<br />

a potter, Ceramicus, Ceramici an Athenian cemetery)<br />

-ceras -horned, -podded, keraj, keratoj<br />


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