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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

caryotideus -a -um like a small palm, Caryota-like<br />

caryotifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of fish-tail palms, Caryotafolium<br />

caryotoides resembling Caryota, Caryota-oides<br />

cascadenis -is -e from the volcanic Cascade mountain range from British Columbia<br />

to California, or from waterfalls elsewhere<br />

cascarillus -a -um resembling the purgative Croton cascarilla (cascara sagrada,<br />

Spanish for sacred cascara, was once a common laxative/purgative, made from<br />

the bark of Rhamnus purschiana)<br />

cashemirianus -a -um, cashmiriensis -is -e from Kashmir<br />

cashew from the Tupi vernacular name, acaju, for the nuts<br />

Casimiroa for Cardinal Casimiro Gomez de Ortega (1740–1818), Spanish botanist<br />

caspicus -a -um, caspius -a -um of the Caspian area<br />

Cassia a name, kasia, used by Dioscorides from a Hebrew plant name, quetsi’oth,<br />

used by Linnaeus for C. fistula (medicinal senna)<br />

cassidius -a -um helmet-shaped, cassis, cassidis<br />

Cassine, cassine from a N American vernacular name for hottentot cherry (formerly<br />

the generic name for Mauricenia capensis)<br />

cassinifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Cassine, Cassine-folium<br />

cassinoides resembling Cassine, Cassine-oides (hottentot-cherry-like)<br />

Cassinia for Count A. H. G. de Cassini (1781–1832), French botanist<br />

cassioides resembling Cassia, kasia-oeidhj<br />

Cassiope, cassiope for the Queen of Ethiopia and mother of Andromeda in Greek<br />

mythology; heath-like, Cassiope-like<br />

Cassipourea from a vernacular name from Guyana<br />

cassubicus -a -um from Gdansk, Danzig (Cassubia), Poland<br />

Castalia Spring-of-the-Muses, at Castalia, Mount Parnassus, Greece ( Nymphaea)<br />

Castanea old Latin name, castanea, for the sweet chestnut, from the Greek kasta<br />

(cognate with Kastanis and Chestnut)<br />

castaneaefolius -a -um, castaneifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Castanea<br />

castaneus -a -um, castanus -a -um chestnut-brown, castanea, castanae<br />

castanii-, castani- chestnut-, chestnut-brown-, castanea<br />

castaniifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of the chestnut, castanea-folius<br />

castanioides resembling Castanea, castanea-oides<br />

castanopsicolus -a -um living on Castanopsis, Castanopsis-colo (epiphytic)<br />

Castanopsis Chestnut-like, kasta-oyij, castanea-opsis<br />

Castanospermum Castanea-seeded, kasta-sperma<br />

castellanus -a -um of a fortress, castellanus; from Castille, Spain (Castella)<br />

castello-paivae for Baron Castello de Paiva, of Portugal<br />

castellorus -a -um of strongholds or high places, castellum, castelli<br />

Castilleja for Domingo Castillejo (1744–93), Spanish botanist of Cadiz<br />

castus -a -um chaste, clean, flawless, spotless, pure, castus<br />

Casuarina Cassowary-like, from the Malayan vernacular name, pohon kasuari<br />

(compares the pendulous branches with the feathers of Cassuarius cassuarius)<br />

(Casuarinaceae)<br />

casuarinoides resembling Casuarina, Casuarina-oides<br />

cat-, cata-, cato- below-, outwards-, downwards-, from-, under-, against-, along-<br />

Catabrosa Eating-up, katabrwsij to swallow (the nibbled appearance of the tip of<br />

the lemmas, and also much liked by cattle)<br />

catacanthus -a -um having downwards-pointing thorns, kat-akanqoj<br />

catacosmus -a -um adorned, katakojmew<br />

catafractus -a -um enclosed, armoured, closed in, mail-clad, katafraktoj<br />

catalaunicus -a -um from Catalonia, Montserrat, Spain (Catalaunia)<br />

catalinae from Catalina, USA<br />

Catalpa, catalpa from an E Indian vernacular name, katuhlpa<br />

catalpifolius -a -um Catalpa-leaved, Catalpa-folius<br />

catamarcensis -is -e from Caramarca, NW Argentina<br />


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