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Glossary<br />

Carpinus, carpinus the ancient Latin name, carpinus, for hornbeam, some derive it<br />

from Celtic, car-pix, for a wood-headed yoke<br />

carpo-, carpos-, -carpus -a -um (karpo-) fruit-, -fruited, -podded, karpoj, karpo-,<br />

botanical Latin carpus<br />

Carpobrotus Edible-fruit, karpo-brwtuj (the edible fruiting structure of hottentot<br />

fig)<br />

Carpodetus Bound-fruit, karpo-dethj (external appearance of the putaputawheta<br />

fruit)<br />

Carpodinus Top-like-fruit, karpoj-dineuw<br />

Carpolyza Angry-fruit, karpoj-lussa (its dehiscence)<br />

carpophilus -a -um fruit liking, karpoj-filh (fungus on rotting beech-mast)<br />

carrerensis -is -e from Carrera Island, Trinidad<br />

Carrichtera for Bartholomaeus Carrichter, physician to Maximillian II, author of<br />

Kreutterbüch (1575)<br />

Carrierea, carrierei for E. A. Carrière (1816–96), French botanist<br />

carringtoniae for Lady Carrington, wife of the Governor of New South Wales, Sir<br />

Charles Robert Wynn Carrington<br />

carsonii for Alexander Carson (1850–96), who collected plants in Tanganyika<br />

cartagensis -is -e from Cartagena, either Spain or Colombia (Carthago Nova)<br />

cartagoanus -a -um from Cartago, Costa Rica<br />

carthaginiensis -is -e from Carthage (Carthago), Tunis<br />

carthamoides resembling Carthamus, Carthamus-oides<br />

Carthamus Painted-one, from Hebrew, qarthami, an orange-red dye (false saffron,<br />

Arabic, safra, is made from safflower, Carthamus tinctorius)<br />

carthusianorum, carthusianus -a -um of the Grande Chartreuse Monastery of<br />

Carthusian Monks, Chartreuse (Carthusia), France<br />

cartilagidens having firm but not bony teeth, cartilago-dens<br />

cartilagineus -a -um, cartilaginus -a -um cartilage-like, cartilago, cartilaginis (texture<br />

of some part, e.g. leaf margin)<br />

cartwrightianus -a -um for J. Cartwright, who, as British Consul in Constantinople,<br />

discovered Crocus cartwrightianus (c. 1844)<br />

Carum from Caria, Dioscorides’ name, karwj, for caraway<br />

carunculatus -a -um with a prominent caruncle, carunculus (seed coat outgrowth,<br />

usually obscuring the micropyle, literally a bit of flesh)<br />

carunculiferus -a -um bearing a caruncle, carunculus-fero<br />

carvi (carui) from Arabic, karwiya, caraway (Pliny derives it from an origin in<br />

Caria, Asia Minor)<br />

carvifolius -a -um caraway-leaved, carui-folium<br />

Carya Walnut, karua (Dion’s daughter, Carya, was changed into a walnut tree by<br />

Bacchus)<br />

caryo- (karyo-) nut-, clove-, karuon, karuo-<br />

Caryocar Nut, karuon (for the butter-nut) (Caryocaraceae)<br />

caryocarpus -a -um having dry indehiscent fruits, karuo-karpoj<br />

Caryolopha Nut-crest, karuo-lofia (the nutlets are borne in a ring)<br />

caryophyllacearus -a -um of chickweeds, living on Caryophyllaceae (Melampsorella,<br />

basidiomycete witches broom on Abies and telutospore phase on Cerastium and<br />

Stellaria)<br />

caryophyllaceus -a -um, caryophylleus -a -um resembling a stitchwort, clove-pink<br />

coloured, from Arabic, karanful, for cloves or clove pinks<br />

caryophylloides resembling Dianthus caryophyllus, clove-pink-like<br />

Caryophyllus Nut-leaved, karuofullon (a former generic name for clove tree,<br />

Arabic karanful, Eugenia caryophyllata); clove-fragrance or colour in other genera<br />

has transferred this meaning to the epithet, and given such cognate names as<br />

gillyflower (Dianthus caryophyllus, Orobanche caryphyllacea, Cyperus caryophyllea)<br />

caryopteridifolius -a -um Caryopteris-leaved, Caryopteris-folium<br />

Caryopteris Wing-nut, karuo-pteruc (the fruit-body splits into four winged nutlets)<br />

Caryota a name, karuotij, used by Dioscorides for a date palm<br />


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