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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

caricoides resembling Carex, carex-oides<br />

caricis -is -e of Carex, caricis<br />

caricus -a -um, cariensis -is -e from the ancient region of Caria, SW Anatolia, Turkey<br />

cariflorus -a -um having keeled or boat-shaped flowers, carina-florus<br />

carinalis -is -e keel-like, carina<br />

carinatus -a -um keeled, having a keel-like ridge, carina, carinae<br />

carinellus -a -um having a small keel, diminutive of carina<br />

carinensis -is -e from Karin on the N coast of Somalia<br />

carinthiacus -a -um from Kärnten (Carinthia), S Austria<br />

carinulatus -a -um slightly keeled, diminutive from carina<br />

cariocae, cariocanus -a -um from the Carioca mountain range, Brazil<br />

caripensis -is -e from Caripito and environs of Rio Caribe, N Venezuela<br />

Carissa from Sanskrit, krishna-pakphul, for Carissa carandas, Christ’s thorn or<br />

carunda; some derive from Italian for beloved but etymology is unclear<br />

carissimus -a -um most esteemed or revered<br />

carlcephalum for the Viburnum hybrid between V. carlesii and V. macrocephalum<br />

carlesii for William Richard Carles (1848–1929), British Consul in China, who collected<br />

Viburnum carlesii in W Korea (1889)<br />

Carlina for Charlemagne (742–814), Carolinus, his army was supposed to have<br />

been cured of the plague with a species of Carlina, which the Archangel had<br />

revealed to him<br />

carlinus -a -um thistle-like, like Carlina, of Carlina<br />

carlsruhensis -is -e either from Karlsruhe, SW Germany, or from Carlsruhe, Poland<br />

Carludovica for Charles IV of Spain (1748–1819) and his wife Louisa (1751–1819)<br />

carmanicus -a -um from the region of Kerman, Iran (Carmannia of Alexandrian<br />

times)<br />

carmesinus -a -um carmine-like, reddish-purple, medieval Latin from Arabic,<br />

kirmiz or qirmiz (vide kermesinus)<br />

Carmichaelia, carmichaelii for Captain Dugald Carmichael (1772–1827), plant<br />

hunter, author of Flora of Tristan da Cunha<br />

carminatus -a -um relieving flatulence, carmino, carminare, carminavi, carminatum<br />

(carmen, carminis, song, prophecy, formula, moral text, cognate with charm)<br />

carmineus -a -um carmine, Arabic kirmiz or qirmiz (vide kermesinus)<br />

carnauba Tupi vernacular for the wax palm, Copernicia cerifera, and its leaf-wax<br />

Carnegiea for the Scottish philanthropist Andrew Carnegie (1835–1919)<br />

carneolus -a -um fleshy, flesh-coloured, succulent, carneus<br />

carneus -a -um, carnicolor the colour of flesh, of flesh, caro, carnis; carneus<br />

carniolicus -a -um from Carniola, Slovenia<br />

carnosiflorus -a -um having fleshy flowers, carnosus-florum<br />

carnosulus -a -um somewhat fleshy, diminutive of carnosus<br />

carnosus -a -um pulpy, fleshy, thick and soft textured, carnosus<br />

carnulosus -a -um somewhat fleshy, diminutive of carnosus<br />

caroli for Carl Ludwig Ledermann (1875–1958), Swiss curator of Victoria Botanic<br />

Garden, Cameroon<br />

carolinae-septentrionalis from North Carolina<br />

carolinianus -a -um, carolinensis -is -e, carolinus -a -um of N or S Carolina, USA<br />

carota the old name, karwton, for carrot (Daucus carota)<br />

caroviolaceus -a -um fleshy-violet coloured (caro, caronis)-violaceus<br />

carpathicus -a -um, carpaticus -a -um, carpathus -a -um from the Carpathian mountains<br />

between Vienna and Romania<br />

carpathus -a -um from the Carpathian mountains<br />

Carpenteria for William M. Carpenter (1811–1848), Professor at Louisiana<br />

carpetanus -a -um of the Carpetano tribe, from the Toledo area of Spain<br />

carpini- hornbeam-like-, Carpinus- (followed by a structure, e.g. leaf or fruit)<br />

carpini of hornbeam, living on Carpinus (symbionts, parasites and saprophytes)<br />

carpinifolius -a -um hornbeam-leaved, Carpinus-folium<br />

carpinoides resembling Carpinus, Carpinus-oides<br />


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