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Glossary<br />

caraguatus -a -um a S American vernacular name for fibres of Eryngium pandanifolium,<br />

and other plants, or from the Caraguata river of Uruguay, or Caraguatay,<br />

Paraguay<br />

Caralluma possibly a Telinga (British India) vernacular name, Car-allum<br />

caramanicus -a -um from Karaman, Turkey, a former principality of Anatolia<br />

carambola a Portuguese vernacular name for the carambola-tree (Averrhoa<br />

carambola)<br />

caramicus -a -um from Karamea, New Zealand<br />

carana a vernacular name for the balsam resin from species of Protium<br />

carandas the Malayan vernacular name, karandang, for Christ’s thorn (Carissa<br />

carandas)<br />

Carapa from a S American vernacular name, caraipa, for Carapa procera<br />

carassanus -a -um from Carassa, Minas Gerais, Brazil<br />

carataviensis -is -e from Karatau, Kazakhstan<br />

carbonarius -a -um of charcoal burners, of burnt ground, carbonarius, carbonari<br />

(Poliota habitat)<br />

carchariodontus -a -um having sharp teeth, karxar-odontoj<br />

Cardamine Dioscorides’ name, kardaminh, for cress<br />

cardaminifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Cardamine<br />

cardaminioides resembling Cardamine, kardaminh-oeidhj<br />

Cardaminopsis Cardamine-resembling, kardaminh-oyij<br />

Cardamon the Greek name, kardamon, for garden cress<br />

cardamomum ancient Greek name for the Indian spice, kardamwmon<br />

Cardaria Heart-like, kardia (the fruiting pods)<br />

cardi-, cardio- heart-shaped-, kardia, kardiocardiacus<br />

-a -um antispasmodic, dyspeptic, of heart conditions, kardiakoj (medicinal<br />

use)<br />

Cardiandra Heart-shaped-stamens, kardia-anhr (the shape of the anthers)<br />

cardianthus -a -um with heart-shaped flowers, kardia-anqoj<br />

cardinalis -is -e deep-scarlet, the colour of the cassock worn by a Cardinal, upon<br />

whom the Roman Church hinges (cardo, a hinge)<br />

cardiobasis -is -e heart-shaped base, kardio-basij<br />

Cardiocrinum Heart-lily, kardio-krinon (the leaves of giant lilies)<br />

cardiopetalus -a -um with heart-shaped petals, kardio-petalon<br />

cardiophyllus -a -um with heart-shaped leaves, kardio-fullon<br />

Cardiospermum Heart-seed, kardio-sperma (refers to the white, heart-shaped aril<br />

on the black seeds)<br />

cardiostictus -a -um with heart-shaped markings, kardio-stiktoj<br />

cardius -a -um for the heart, kardia<br />

carduacus -a -um thistle-like, carduus, cardui; cardus<br />

carduchorus -a -um of the Kurdes (Carduchoi), from Kurdistan<br />

carduelinus -a -um somewhat thistle-like, carduus<br />

cardui- Carduus-, thistle-, living on Carduus (symbionts, parasites and saprophyts)<br />

Carduncellus, carduncellus -a -um Little-Cardunculus<br />

Cardunculus, cardunculus -a -um Thistle-like, small thistle-like, diminutive of<br />

carduus (cognate with cardoon)<br />

Carduus Thistle, a name, carduus, in Virgil; Celtic, ard, for a prickle<br />

Careya for Reverend William Carey (1761–1834) of Serampore, botanist and<br />

linguist<br />

careyanus -a -um, careyi for John Carey (1797–1880), plant collector in America<br />

Carex Cutter, keiro (the sharp leaf margins of many)<br />

caribaceus -a -um, caribaeus -a -um from the Caribbean (Caribaea)<br />

Carica From-Caria (mistakenly thought to be the provenance of the Pawpaw,<br />

Carica papaya) (Caricaceae)<br />

carici- sedge-, carex, caricis<br />

caricifolius -a -um with sedge-like leaves, Carex-leaved, carici-folius<br />

caricinus -a -um, caricosus -a -um sedge-like, resembling Carex<br />


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