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Glossary<br />

Calycophyllum Calyx-leaf, kaluko-fullon (the leaf-like expansion of one calyx lobe)<br />

Calycopteris Winged-calyx, kaluko-pteron (the conspicuous keels of the calyx tube)<br />

calycosus -a -um with a conspicuous calyx, kaluc,<br />

Calycotome Severed-calyx, kaluc-tomh (abscission of the upper part of the calyx<br />

before anthesis)<br />

calyculatus -a -um with a calyx-like bracts, resembling a small calyx, calyculatus<br />

Calydorea Beautiful-gift, kaloj-dorea<br />

calymmatosepalus -a -um having enveloping sepals, veiled by the sepals, kalummaskeph<br />

Calypso for Calypso, mythological nymph<br />

calyptr-, calyptro- hooded-, lidded-, kaluptra, kaluptro-, kaluptw, kaluptoj<br />

calyptraeformis -is -e veil-like, kaluptra-forma (the conical pileus)<br />

Calyptranthes Veiled-flower, kaluptra-anqoj (the calyx is calyptrate)<br />

calyptratus -a -um with a cap-like cover over the flowers or fruits, kaluptra<br />

Calyptridium Small-covering, diminutive from kaluptra<br />

Calyptrocalyx Covering-calyx, kaluptra-kaluc (the leafy-based spadices)<br />

Calyptrochilum Covered-lip, kaluptro-xeiloj<br />

Calyptrogyne Covered-pistil, kaluptra-gunh<br />

calyptrostele having a sheathed style, kaluptro-sthlh<br />

Calystegia (Calistegia, Calycostegia) Calyx-cover, kaluc-stegh (bearbind’s calyx is at<br />

first obscured by two large bracts or prophylls)<br />

Calythrix (Calycothrix, Calytrix) Calyx-hair, kaluc-qric (the hair-like calyx apices)<br />

camaldulensis -is -e from the Camaldoli gardens near Naples<br />

camanchicus -a -um of the area of the Camanche tribe, USA<br />

Camaridium Arched, kamara (the apex of the stigma)<br />

Camarotis Vaulted-lobe, kamara-wtoj (the form of the lip)<br />

camarus -a -um, -camarus -a -um arched, chambered, vaulted, kamara, kamarh,<br />

camera, camerae; a W Indian name, kamara<br />

Camassia a N American Indian name, quamash, for an edible bulb<br />

cambessedesii for Jaques Cambessedes (1799–1863), co-author of Flora Basilae<br />

Meridionalis<br />

cambodgensis -is -e from Kampuchea, SE Asia (Cambodia or, when in French<br />

control, Cambodge)<br />

cambodiensis -is -e from Cambodia<br />

cambogiensis -is -e from Cambodia<br />

cambrensis -is -e, cambricus -a -um Welsh, from Wales (Cambria)<br />

Camelina Dwarf-flax, xamai-linon (a name used by l’Obel)<br />

Camellia for Georg Joseph Kamel (Cameli) (1661–1706), Moravian Jesuit botanist,<br />

plant illustrator and traveller in Luzon<br />

camelliiflorus -a -um Camellia-flowered, Camellia-florum<br />

camelopardalis -is -e giraffe-like, with tawny spots, kamhlopardalij<br />

camelorus -a -um of camels, kamhloj (they feed upon the camel thorn, Alhagi<br />

camelorum, also known as the manna plant because of the crust of dried honeydew<br />

forming on the leaves overnight)<br />

cameronicus -a -um, cameroonianus -a -um from Cameroon, W Africa<br />

cammarus -a -um lobster, cammarus (from a name used by Dioscorides)<br />

Camoensia for the Portuguese poet, Luis Camoens<br />

Campanaea Bell, campana, campanae (shape of the corolla)<br />

campanellus -a -um resembling a small bell, diminutive of campana<br />

campani- bell-, campana<br />

campaniflorus -a -um with bell-like flowers, campana-florum<br />

campanilis -is -e bell-tower-like, from Italian (the tall bell-flowered inflorescences)<br />

Campanula Bell-like, diminutive of campana (Campanulaceae)<br />

campanulae of harebell, living on Campanula (coleopteran gall weevil)<br />

campanularius -a -um, campanulatus -a -um, campanulus -a -um bell-shaped, bellflowered,<br />

diminutive of campana<br />

campanuloides resembling Campanula, Campanula-oides<br />


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