The Names Of Plants.pdf

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The Names Of Plants.pdf


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Glossary<br />

Caesalpinia for Andrea Caesalpini (1519–1603), Tuscan botanist and physician to<br />

Pope Clement VIII (Caesalpiniaceae)<br />

caesareus -a -um imperial, Caesar’s (Amanita caesarea, Caesar’s mushroom)<br />

caesi-, caesius -a -um bluish-grey, lavender-coloured, caesius<br />

caesiifolius -a -um having lavender-blue leaves, caesius-folium<br />

caesiocyaneus -a -um greyish-blue, caesius-cyaneus<br />

caesioglaucus -a -um glaucous-blue, with a bluish bloom, caesius-glaucus<br />

caesiomurorum of the grey walls, caesius-(murus, muri) (Hieraceum)<br />

caespitellus -a -um somewhat tufted, feminine diminutive from caespes, caespitis,<br />

a sod<br />

caespiticius -a -um turf-forming, formed into turf, with matted roots, caespes,<br />

caespitis<br />

caespitosus -a -um growing in tufts, matted, tussock-forming, caespes, caespitis<br />

caffensis -is -e from Al Kaf (<strong>The</strong> Rock), NW Tunisia<br />

caffer -ra -rum, caffrorum from S Africa, of the unbelievers, from Arabic, kaffir, kafir<br />

cagayanensis -is -e from the Cagayan river area or Cagayan Sula Island, Philippines<br />

cainito the W Indian vernacular name for the star apple, Chrysophyllum cainito<br />

Caiophora (Cajophora) Burn-carrier, kaiw-fora (the stinging hairs)<br />

cairicus -a -um from Cairo, Egypt (Cairus)<br />

cajamarcensis -is -e from the Cajamarca department of N Peru<br />

cajambrensis -is -e from the Cajambre river valley area, Colombia<br />

Cajanus, cajan from the Malay vernacular name, katjang, for pigeon pea<br />

cajennensis -is -e from Cayenne, French Guiana<br />

cajonensis -is -e from either Sierra del Cajon, Argentina, or Cajon Pass, S California,<br />

or Cajon Canyon, SW Colorado, USA<br />

cajuputi the Malayan name, kiya putih (white tree), for Melaleuca cajuputi, source<br />

of cajuput oil<br />

Cakile from an Arabic name<br />

cala- beautiful-, kaloj, kalocalaba<br />

the W Indian vernacular name for the fruit and seed of Calophyllum calaba<br />

calabriensis -is -e, calabrus -a -um, calabricus -a -um from Calabria, S Italy<br />

calaburus -a -um W Indian vernacular name for the Jamaican cherry, Muntingia<br />

calabura<br />

Caladenia Beautifully-glanded, kaloj-adhn (the prominent, coloured glands on the<br />

labellum)<br />

Caladium from the Indian name, kaladi (for an elephant ears aroid)<br />

Calamagrostis, calamagrostis Reed-grass, the name, kalamoj-agrwstij, used by<br />

Dioscorides<br />

calamarius -a -um reed-like, resembling Calamus<br />

calami- Calamus-, reed-, kalamoj<br />

calamifolius -a -um reed-leaved, Calamus-folium (the phyllodes of broom wattle)<br />

calamiformis -is -e having a reed-like form, Calamus-forma<br />

calaminaris -is -e, calaminarius -a -um cadmium-red, growing on the zinc ore,<br />

calamine, cadmia<br />

Calamintha, calaminthus -a -um Beautiful-mint, kalo-minqh<br />

calaminthifolius -a -um with leaves similar to Calamintha, Calamintha-folium<br />

calamistratus -a -um curled, calamister (calamistrum) calamistri<br />

calamitosus -a -um ruinous, causing loss, blighted, dangerous, miserable,<br />

calamitosus<br />

calamondin the Philippine vernacular Tagalog name, kalamunding, for the fruit of<br />

Citrofortunella<br />

Calamovilfa Reed-like-Vilfa, botanical Latin from kalamoj and Vilfa<br />

Calamus the name, kalamoj, for a reed (from Arabic, kalom) for the reed-like stems<br />

of rattan palms<br />

calamusoides resembling a rattan palm, Calamus-oides<br />

Calandrina for J. L. Calandrini (1703–58), Genevan botanist<br />

calandrinoides resembling Calandrina, Calandrina-oides<br />


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