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Glossary<br />

biformis -is -e having two shapes (the parental segregates of Rumex pratensis)<br />

bifrons having a double garland of leaves, two-boughed, bi-(frons, frondis)<br />

bifurcatus -a -um divided into equal limbs, bifurcate, bi-(furca, furcae)<br />

Bigelovia, bigelowii for Dr John M. Bigelow (1804–78), American pharmacist and<br />

botanist who worked on the Mexican Boundary Mission<br />

bigibbus -a -um having two humps, bi-(gibbus, gibbi)<br />

biglandulosus -a -um with two glands, two-glandular, bi-glandulae (male florets of<br />

Euphorbia)<br />

biglumis -is -e with two glumes, bi-gluma (Juncus)<br />

Bignonia (Bignona) for Abbé Jean Paul Bignon (1662–1743), librarian to Louis XIV<br />

(Bignoniaceae)<br />

bignoniaceus -a -um, bignonioides Bignonia-like, Bignonia-oides<br />

biharamulensis -is -e from Biharamulo, at the SW end of Lake Victoria, Tanzania<br />

bijugans, bijugus -a -um two-together, twin yoked, bi-(-iugis, iugus) (staminal<br />

arrangement or leaves with two pairs of leaflets)<br />

bilamellatus -a -um having two flat ridges, with two lamellae, double-gilled, bilamellatus<br />

bilateralis -is -e bilateral, zygomorphic, having two (mirror image) sides, bi-latus<br />

bilimbi an Indian vernacular name for the cucumber-tree (Averrhoa bilimbi)<br />

biliottii for Alfred Biliotti, British Consul and collector at Trabzon, Turkey<br />

-bilis -is -e -able, -capable, habilis<br />

Billardiera, billardierei (billardierii) for Jaques Julien Houtou de la Billardière<br />

(1755–1834), French botanist<br />

Billbergia for J. G. Billberg (1772–1844), Swedish botanist (angel’s tears)<br />

billbergioides resembling Billbergia, Billbergia-oides<br />

billotii for Paul Constant Billot (1796–1863), Professor of Botany at Hagenau,<br />

Alsace<br />

bilobatus -a -um, bilobus -a -um two-lobed, bi-lobus (see Fig. 8a)<br />

bimaculatus -a -um having two conspicuous spots, bi-macula<br />

binatus -a -um with two leaflets, bifoliate, paired, bini, binae, bina, binatus<br />

binervis -is -e two-veined, bi-vena<br />

binervosus -a -um two-veined-ish, two vein patterns, bi-(nervus, nervi) (1- to<br />

3-veined)<br />

binnendijkii for S. Binnendijk (1821–83), of the Bogor Botanic Garden, Java<br />

binocularis -is -e two-eyed, marked with two eye-like spots, bini-(oculus, oculi)<br />

-bios, bio- life, bioj, bio-(biow, biwsij, biosis or mode of life)<br />

Biophytum Life-plant, bio-futon (sensitive leaves)<br />

Biorhiza Root-liver, bio-riza (gall midge females lays eggs in rootlets)<br />

bioritsensis -is -e from Biarritz, France<br />

-biosis -living, -mode of life, biwsij<br />

Biota <strong>Of</strong>-life or of-bows, bioj ( Platycladus)<br />

bipartitus -a -um almost completely divided into two, bi-(partio, partire, partivi, partitum;<br />

partior, partiri)<br />

bipinnatifidus -a -um twice-divided but not to the rachis, bi-pinnatus-(findo, findere,<br />

fidi, fissum) (leaves)<br />

bipinnatus -a -um twice-pinnate, bi-pinnatus (leaves)<br />

bipulvinaris -is -e with two cushions, having a double pulvinus, with two-pulvinate<br />

petioles, bi-(pulvinus, pulvini)<br />

bipunctatus -a -um two-spotted, bi-(pungo, pungere, pupugi, punctum)<br />

birameus -a -um two-branched, bi-(ramus, rami) (inflorescence)<br />

birostratus -a -um having two beaks, bi-(rostrum, rostri) (spurs or nectaries)<br />

birschelii for F. W. Birschel, who collected plants for Kew in Caracas c. 1854<br />

Biscutella, biscutellus -a -um Two-small-trays, bi-scutella (the walls of the dehisced<br />

fruit)<br />

bisectus -a -um cut into two parts, bi-(seco, secare, secui, sectum)<br />

bisepalus -a -um having two sepals, having a double calyx, bi-sepalum<br />

biseptus -a -um twice-hedged, partitioned into two, bi-septum<br />


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