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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Beta the Latin name for beet, beta<br />

betaceus -a -um beet-like, beetroot coloured, resembling Beta<br />

bethlehemensis -is -e from Bethlehem (Palestine, S Africa or America)<br />

bethunianus -a -um for Captain Bethune, who brought Chirita bethunianus from<br />

Borneo in 1849<br />

betinus -a -um beetroot-purple, beta<br />

betle from the Malayan vernacular name, vettila, for the masticatory leaves, betel,<br />

of Piper betle<br />

betoni- Betonica-like-, Betonica<br />

Betonica from a name, Vettonica, in Pliny for a medicinal plant from Vectones<br />

(Vettones), Spain<br />

betonicifolius -a -um betony-leaved, Betonica-folium<br />

betonicoides Betonica-like, Betonica-oides<br />

betonicus -a -um betony-like, resembling Betonica<br />

Betula Pitch, the name, betula, in Pliny (bitumen is distilled from the bark)<br />

(Betulaceae)<br />

betularus -a um of birches, Betula (saprophytes on birch leaves etc.)<br />

betuletarus -a -um associated with birch woodland, Betula<br />

betulifolius -a -um with leaves similar to those of a birch, Betula-folium<br />

betulinus -a -um, betulus -a -um Betula-like, birch-like, living on Betula (symbionts,<br />

parasites and saprophytes)<br />

betuloides resembling Betula, Betula-oides<br />

beyrichianus -a -um, beyrichii for Karl Beyrich (b. 1834), Canadian gardener<br />

bholua from a Nepalese vernacular name, bholu-swa, for a Daphne<br />

bhotanicua -a -um, bhutanensis -is -e, bhutanicus -a -um from Himalayan Bhutan<br />

bi-, bis- two-, twice-, double-, bis, bibiacutus<br />

-a -um having two points, twice sharply tipped, bis-acutus<br />

biafrae, biafranum from the Biafra region of southern Nigeria<br />

bialatus -a -um two-winged, bis-alatus (usually the stem)<br />

Biarum a name used by Dioscorides for an Arum-like plant<br />

biauritus -a -um two-eared, having two long ears, bis-auritus<br />

bicalcaratus -a -um two-spurred, bis-calcaris<br />

bicallosus -a -um having two callosities, bis-callosus<br />

bicameratus -a -um two-arched, two-chambered, bis-camera<br />

bicapsularis -is -e with two small boxes, having two capsules, bis-capsula<br />

bicarinatus -a -um having two keels, double-keeled, bis-carina<br />

bicaudatus -a -um having two tails, bis-cauda<br />

bichlorophyllus -a -um two-green-leaved, botanical Latin from di-xlwro-fullon<br />

(the marked difference in colour of the two surfaces of the leaves)<br />

bicolor, bicoloratus -a -um of two colours, twice-coloured, bis-(coloro, colorare,<br />

coloravi, coloratum)<br />

bicolor-rosea of two shades of red, bicolor-rosea<br />

bicornis -is -e, bicornutus -a -um two-horned, bi-cornu<br />

bicuspidatus -a -um having two cusps, two-tipped, bis-(cuspis, cuspidis)<br />

Bidens, bidens Two-teeth, bi-dens (the scales at the fruit apex)<br />

bidentatus -a -um double-toothed, having toothed teeth, bi-dentatus<br />

bidwillii for J. C. Bidwill (1815–53), Director of Botanic Garden, Sydney<br />

Biebersteinia, biebersteinianus -a -um, biebersteinii for Friedrich August Frieherr<br />

Marschall von Bieberstein (1768–1826), author of Flora Taurico-Caucasica and<br />

other works<br />

biennis -is -e (with a life) of two years, biennial, bi-annus<br />

bifarius -a -um in two opposed ranks, two-rowed, in two parts, bi-fariam (leaves or<br />

flowers)<br />

bifidus -a -um deeply two-cleft, bifid, bifidus<br />

bifloriformis -is -e two-flowered form, bi-florum-forma<br />

biflorus -a -um two-flowered, bi-florum<br />

bifolius -a -um two-leaved, bi-folium<br />


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