The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

beatricis for Beatrice Hops, who discovered Watsonia beatricis in S Africa (c. 1920)<br />

beatus -a -um abundant, prosperous, beatus<br />

Beaufortia for Mary Somerset (c. 1630–1714), Duchess of Beaufort, patroness of<br />

botany<br />

Beaumontia for Lady Diana Beaumont (d. 1831), of Bretton Hall, Yorkshire<br />

beauverdianus -a -um for Gustave Beauverd (1867–1942), of the Boissier<br />

Herbarium, Geneva<br />

bebbianus -a -um for Michel Schuck Bebb (1833–95)<br />

bebius -a -um from the Bebisch mountains, Dalmatia (firm, steady, trusty, bebaioj)<br />

beccabunga from an old German name ‘Bachbungen’, mouth-smart or streamletblocker<br />

beccarianus -a -um, beccarii for Odoardo (Odordo) Beccari (1843–1920), botanist<br />

and traveller in Borneo<br />

Beccariophoenix Beccari’s date palm, botanical Latin from Beccari and phoenix<br />

Beckmannia for Johann Beckmann (1739–1811), professor at Göttingen<br />

bedeguaris -is -e brought by the wind, from Persian, bad awar (supposed cause of<br />

the Hymenopteran-induced gall, rose bedeguar, or Robin’s pin-cushion)<br />

Bedfordia, bedfordianus -a -um for John Russell (1766–1839), Sixth Duke of Bedford<br />

beesianus -a -um for Bees’ nursery of Ness, Cheshire, plant introducers from China<br />

and elsewhere<br />

Befaria for Dr Bejar, a Spanish botanist (a Linnaean spelling error)<br />

Begonia for Michel Begon (1638–1710), French Governor of St Dominique and<br />

patron of botany (Begoniaceae)<br />

begonifolius -a -um, begoniifolius -a -um having Begonia-like leaves<br />

begonioides Begonia-like, Begonia-oides<br />

beharensis -is -e from Behara, Madagascar (felt leaf, Kalenchoe beharensis)<br />

behen from the Arabic name for several plants<br />

beissnerianus -a -um, beissneri for Ludwig Beissner of Poppelsdorf (1843–1927),<br />

writer on Coniferae<br />

Belamcanda from an Asian vernacular name for the leopard lily<br />

belgicus -a -um from Belgium, Belgian, Belgae, Belgicus<br />

belinensis -is -e from Belin, Turkey<br />

belizensis -is -e from Belize, NE Central America<br />

belladonna beautiful lady, botanical Latin from Italian, bella donna (the juice of the<br />

deadly nightshade was used to beautify by inducing pallid skin and dilated eyes<br />

when applied as a decoction)<br />

bellamosus -a -um, bellatus -a -um quite beautiful, bella<br />

Bellardia, bellardii for C. A. L. Bellardi (1741–1826), Italian physician and botanist<br />

bellatulus -a -um somewhat beautiful, diminutive of bellus<br />

Bellevalia for P. R. de Belleval (1558–1632), early systematist<br />

bellicus -a -um warlike, fierce, armed, bellicus<br />

bellidi- Bellis-like-, daisybellidiastrus<br />

-a -um daisy-flowered, Bellis-flowered, Bellis-astrum<br />

bellidiflorus -a -um daisy-flowered, Bellis-florum<br />

bellidifolius -a -um with daisy-like leaves, Bellis-folium<br />

bellidiformis -is -e, daisy-like, Bellis-forma<br />

bellidioides, bellidoides daisy-like, Bellis-oides<br />

bellinus -a -um neat, pretty, pleasing, comparative of bellus<br />

Bellis Pretty, a name, bellus, used in Pliny<br />

Bellium Resembling-Bellis<br />

bellobatus -a -um beautiful bramble, botanical Latin bellus-batus<br />

belloides daisy-like, Bellis-oides<br />

bellulus -a -um pretty little one, diminutive of bellus<br />

bellus -a -um handsome, beautiful, neat, pretty, choice, bellus, bella<br />

belmoreanus -a -um for the Earl of Belmore, Governor of New South Wales, 1868<br />

belo- pointed like a dart or arrow or javelin, frightening, belonh, beloj, belo-<br />

Belonophora Arrow-head-bearing, belonh-fora (the apex of the connective)<br />


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