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Glossary<br />

Bakerisideroxylon Engler’s generic name for Baker’s Sideroxylon revolutum (<br />

Vincentella revoluta)<br />

Balanites Acorn-having, balanoj-ithj (the Greek name, balanoj, describes the<br />

fruit of some species)<br />

balanoideus -a -um resembling an acorn, balanoj-oeidhj, balanus-oides<br />

Balanophora Acorn-carrying, balano-fora (the nut produced by these total parasites<br />

of tropical trees) (Balanophoraceae)<br />

balansae, balansanus -a -um for Benjamin (Benedict) Balansa (1825–92), French plant<br />

collector who botanized in many parts of the tropical world<br />

balanus the ancient name, balanoj, for an acorn<br />

balata a Guyanese Carib vernacular name for trees producing an edible fruit and<br />

the gutta-percha-like latex, balata (e.g. Mimusops balata)<br />

balaustinus -a -um pomegranate-fruit coloured, balaustion<br />

Balbisia, balbisianus -a -um, balbisii for Giovanni Battista Balbis (1765–1831),<br />

Professor of Botany at Turin, Italy<br />

balcanicus -a -um, balcanus -a -um from the Balkans, Balkan<br />

balcoous -a -um from a Bengali vernacular name<br />

baldaccii for Antonio Baldacci (1867–1950) of the Bologna Botanic Garden, Italy<br />

Baldellia for Bartolommeo Bartolini-Baldelli, nineteenth-century Italian nobleman<br />

baldemonia a medieval name for Meum athamanticum, baldmoney<br />

baldensis -is -e from the area of Mount Baldo, N Italy<br />

baldschuanicus -a -um from Baldschuan (Baldzhuan), Bokhara, Uzbekistan<br />

balearicus -a -um from the Balearic Islands (Baliares Insulae), Mediterranean<br />

balfourii for Sir Isaac Bayley Balfour (1853–1922), collector in Socotra, Professor of<br />

Botany, Edinburgh<br />

ballatrix dancing, feminine form of late Latin, ballo, ballare, from Italian, ballo, a<br />

dance<br />

Ballota Dioscorides’ Greek name, ballwth, for Ballota nigra<br />

balsamae, balsameus -a -um, balsamoides balsam-like, yielding a balsam, balsamonoeidhj<br />

balsamifer -era -erum yielding a balsam, producing a fragrant resin, balsamon-ferw<br />

Balsamina Balsam, balsamon (a former generic name for Impatiens)<br />

(Balsaminaceae)<br />

balsamina, balsamitus -a -um an old generic name, balsaminh, for alecost (Tanacetum<br />

balsamita)<br />

Balsamorhiza Balsamic-root, balsamon-riza (the resinous roots)<br />

balsamus -a -um of balm, balsamon, balsamum, balsami<br />

balticus -a -um from the Baltic Sea or surrounding lands<br />

baluchistanicus -a -um from Baluchistan Province of Pakistan<br />

bamboosarus -a -um of bamboos (stem morphology)<br />

bambos from the Malayan vernacular name, mambu<br />

Bambusa from the Malayan vernacular name, mambu<br />

bambusaefolius -a -um with bamboo-like leaves, Bambusa-folium<br />

bambusetorum in bamboo-dominated vegetation, of bamboo forests, Bambusa<br />

bambusoides resembling a bamboo, Bambusa-like, Bambusa-oides<br />

banana a W African vernacular name, banam, from Arabic, banana, for a finger<br />

banatus -a -um, banaticus -a -um, bannaticus from the Banat area (parts of Romania,<br />

Hungary and Vojvodina, Yugoslavia)<br />

bancanus -a -um from the island of Pulau Banca (Banka, Bangka), Sumatra,<br />

Indonesia<br />

bandaensis -is -e from the islands surrounding the Banda Sea, Indonesia<br />

Banisteria, banisteri for Reverend John Baptist Banister (1650–92), English botanist<br />

in Virginia<br />

Banksia, banksii, banksianus -a -um for Sir Joseph Banks (1743–1820) one-time<br />

President of the Royal Society and patron of the sciences<br />

banksiae for Lady Dorothea Banks, wife of Sir Joseph, vide supra (Rosa banksiae was<br />

sent to England by the Kew collector William Kerr, in 1807, from China)<br />


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