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Glossary<br />

Auxopus Different-stalk, auco-pouj (the yellowish weak stems of this parasitic<br />

plant)<br />

avasmontanus -a -um from Auas Berg mountains of Namibia<br />

Avellana an old name in Pliny, nux avellana, for the hazel nut, from Fonte Avellana<br />

(Avella), in the Italian Apennines<br />

avellanae of hazel, living on Corylus avellana (Eriophyes, acarine gall mite)<br />

avellanarius living in hazel woods (Muscardinus avellanarius, dormouse)<br />

avellaneus -a -um hazel-brown, Avellana<br />

avellanidens with tearing teeth, (avello, avellere, avelli(avulsi), avulsum)-(dens, dentis)<br />

(Agave leaf-margins)<br />

avellanus -a -um from Avella, Italy (Pliny’s name, nux avellana, for hazel-nut)<br />

Avellinia Small-oat-like, diminutive from Avena<br />

avellinus -a -um hazel-brown, Avellana<br />

Avena Nourishment, avena (also meant oats, reed and shepherd’s pipe)<br />

avenaceus -a -um oat-like, avena<br />

avenius -a -um lacking or with obscure veins, a-(vena, venae)<br />

avenoides resembling Avena, oat-like, Avena-oides<br />

Avenula Like-a-small-oat, feminine diminutive of avena<br />

Averrhoa for Averrhoes, twelfth-century Arabian physician, translator of Aristotle’s<br />

work<br />

Avicennia, avicennae for Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980–1037), Arabian philosopher and<br />

physician<br />

avicenniifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of the white mangrove,<br />

Avicennia-folium<br />

avicennioides resembling Avicennia, mangrove-like, Avicennia-oides<br />

avicularis -is -e of small birds, eaten by small birds, avis<br />

aviculus -a -um omen, of small birds, diminutive of avis<br />

avisylvanus -a -um of undisturbed woods, botanical Latin, avis-sylva<br />

avium of the birds, avis<br />

avocado from a Nahuatl name, ahuacatl, for the fruit (cognate with alligator [pear])<br />

axillariflorus -a -um, axilliflorus -a -um with axillary flowers, with flowers produced<br />

in the leaf axils, axilla-florum<br />

axillaris -is -e in the armpit, arising from the leaf axils, axillary, axilla, axillae<br />

Axonopus Axle-stalked, acwn-pouj (the spicate racemes radiate around the upper<br />

part of the rachis)<br />

Axyris Without-edge, acurij (the bland flavour)<br />

ayabacanus -a -um from Ayabaca, NW Peru<br />

Azalea <strong>Of</strong>-dry-habitats, azaleoj (etymology uncertain, formerly used by Linnaeus<br />

for Loiseleuria)<br />

azaleanus -a -um Azalea-like<br />

azaleodendron Azalea (flowered) tree, azaleoj-dendron<br />

azaleoides resembling Azalea, azaleoj-oeidhj<br />

Azana from a Mexican vernacular name<br />

Azanza from a Mexican vernacular name<br />

Azara for J. N. Azara, Spanish patron of botany and other sciences in the early<br />

nineteenth century<br />

azarolus the Italian vernacular name, azarolo, for Crataegus azarolus<br />

azedarach, azadarachtus -a -um a middle-eastern vernacular name, azaddirakht, for<br />

the bead tree, Melia azadarachta<br />

Azolla etymology uncertain, possibly from a South American name thought to<br />

refer to its inability to survive out of water, or azo-ollumi, to dry-to kill<br />

(Azollaceae)<br />

azonites ungirdled, (a-zona, zonae)<br />

Azorella Without-scales, a-zoraleoj, feminine diminutive of a-zwroj not strong<br />

or stout<br />

azoricus -a -um from the Azores Islands, mid-Atlantic<br />

aztecorum from the lands of the Aztecs<br />


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