The Names Of Plants.pdf

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

aulacocarpus -a -um having furrows in the fruit wall, aulako-karpoj<br />

aulacospermus -a -um having ridged seed coats, aulako-sperma<br />

Aulax Furrow, aulac, aulakoj (the furrowed leaves of some)<br />

aulicus -a -um of the court, aulicus<br />

aulo- tube-, auloj, aulo-<br />

Aulocalyx Tubular-calyx, auloj-kaluc<br />

aurantiacus -a -um resembling an orange, orange-coloured, aurantium<br />

auraniticus -a -um from Hawran, SW Syria (the Roman province of Auranitis)<br />

aurantifolius -a -um with golden leaves, or having Citrus-like leaves, auranti-folium<br />

aurantius -a -um orange-coloured, the colour of an orange, aurantium<br />

aurarius -a -um, aureus -a -um golden, ornamented with gold, aurum<br />

auratus -a -um metallic yellow, golden, ornamented with gold, gilt, auratus<br />

aureafolius -a -um with golden leaves, aureus-folium<br />

aureatus -a -um like gold, golden, aureus<br />

aurelianensis -is -e, aureliensis -is -e from Orleans, France (Aurelianum)<br />

aurellus -a -um yellowish, diminutive of aureus<br />

aureo-, aureus -a -um golden-yellow, aureum<br />

Aureoboletus Golden-mushroom, aureus-boletus<br />

aureolus -a -um golden-yellow, aureus<br />

aureomaculatus -a -um having golden spots, aureo-(macula, maculae)<br />

aureonitens shining gold, aureo-(niteo, nitere)<br />

aureosulcatus -a -um having golden grooves, aureo-(sulcus, sulci) (on the stems)<br />

aurescens turning golden, aureo-(fio, fiere, factus)<br />

auricolor having a golden lustre, aureo-(color, coloris)<br />

auricomus -a -um with golden hair, aurum-coma (golden-hairy leaved)<br />

Auricula, auriculus -a -um Ear, auricula (the leaf shape of Primula auricula or the<br />

‘Jew’s-ear’ fruiting body of Auricularia auricula- judae)<br />

Auricularia Ear-like, auricula, auriculae<br />

auriculatissimus -a -um most lobed, superlative of auriculatus (the huge lobes on the<br />

petiole of Senecio auriculatissimus)<br />

auriculatus -a -um, auricularis -is -e lobed like an ear, with lobes, auris, auricula<br />

auricula-ursofolius, auriculae-ursifolius from Clusius’ name, auricula ursi, bear’s ear,<br />

for the leaves of Primula auricula<br />

aurigeranus -a -um from Ariège, France (Aurigera)<br />

Aurinia <strong>Of</strong>-the-breeze, aura, aurh, aura, aurae (plants of montane crags)<br />

Auriscalpum Ear-pick, auris-scalpium (the tapered stipe is inserted laterally on the<br />

somewhat ear-shaped cap)<br />

auritextus -a -um cloth of gold, woven-from-gold, aureus-(texo, texere, texui, textum)<br />

auritus -a -um with ears, long-eared, having long ears, auris (stipules)<br />

aurorius -a -um orange, like the rising sun, aurora, aurorae<br />

aurosus -a -um of day-break, of sunrise, aurora, aurorae<br />

australasiae from southern Asia, botanical Latin<br />

australasicus -a -um Australian, South Asiatic, botanical Latin<br />

australiensis -is -e from Australia, Australian<br />

australis -is -e southern, of the South, australis<br />

austriacus -a -um from Austria, Austrian<br />

austrinus -a -um from the south, australis<br />

austro- southern, australis, austroaustroafricanus<br />

-a -um from southern Africa, botanical Latin<br />

austroalpinus -a -um from the southern alps, austro-alpinus<br />

Ausrocedrus Southern-cedar, australis-Cedrus<br />

austromontanus -a -um from southern mountains, austro-montanus (of North<br />

America)<br />

auto- self-, alone-, the same-, autoj, autoautochthonus<br />

-a -um not introduced, indigenous, autoxqwn<br />

autumnalis -is -e of the autumn, autumnus, autumni (flowering or growing)<br />

auxillaris -is -e helpful, aiding, auxillaris; increasing, auch (vegetatively)<br />


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