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Glossary<br />

armoricensis -is -e from Brittany peninsula, NW France (Armorica)<br />

armstrongii for the land agent who discovered Freesia armstrongii in Humansdorp,<br />

S Africa<br />

Arnebia from an Arabic vernacular name<br />

Arnica Lamb’s-skin, arnakij (from the leaf texture)<br />

arnicoides resembling Arnica, arnakij-oeidhj<br />

arnoldianus -a -um of the Arnold Arboretum, Massachusetts, USA<br />

arnoldii for Nicolas Joseph Arnold, Belgian Colonial Administrator<br />

Arnoseris Lamb-succour, arnoj-serij (Lamb’s succory, fragrant, aromatic potherb)<br />

arnotianus -a -um, arnotii either for George A. Walker Arnott (1799–1868), Scottish<br />

botanist, or for Hon. David Arnot, Commissioner for Griqualand, c. 1867<br />

aroanius -a -um from Aroania, Arcadia, S Greece; or of ploughed fields, of farmed<br />

land, aro, arare, aravi, aratum<br />

aromaphloius -a -um having aromatic or spicy bark, arwma-floioj<br />

aromaticus -a -um fragrant, aromatic, aromatikoj<br />

Aronia a derivative name from Aria<br />

aronioides resembling Aronia, Aronia-oides<br />

arpadianus -a -um sickle-shaped, harpe, arph (leaves)<br />

Arrabidaea, arrabidae for Bishop Antonio de Arrabida, editor of Flora Fluminiensis,<br />

c. 1827<br />

arranensis -is -e from the island of Arran, W Scotland<br />

arrectus -a -um raised up, erect, adrectus, arrectus (steep)<br />

arrhen-, arrhena- strong-, male-, stamen-, arrhn, arrenoj, arshn, arshnoj, arsen<br />

Arrhenatherum Male-awn, arrhn-aqeroj (the male lower spikelet is long-awned)<br />

arrhizus -a -um without roots, rootless, a-riza (the minute, floating Wolffia has no<br />

roots)<br />

arrhynchus -a -um not beaked, ar-rugxoj<br />

arrigens freezing, stiffening up, becoming erect, ar-(rigeo, rigere)<br />

Arsenococcus Male-berry, arseno-kokkoj<br />

Artabotrys Hanging-fruit, artaw-botruj (the tendrillar structure)<br />

artacarpifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Artocarpus<br />

Artanema Thread-bearer, artaw-nhma<br />

Artemisia Dioscorides’ name for Artemis (Diana), wife of Mausolus, of Caria, Asia<br />

Minor (Artemisia dracunculus is tarragon, Arabic, tarkhun)<br />

artemisioides, atremesioides resembling Artemisia, Artemisia-oides<br />

arthr-, arthro- joint-, jointed-, arqhron, arqhro-, arqron-, arqro-, arqr-<br />

Arthraxon Jointed-stem, arqr-acwn<br />

Arthrocnemum Jointed-thread, arqro-knhmh<br />

Arthrolobium Jointed-pod, arqro-loboj<br />

Arthropodium, arthropodius -a -um Jointed-foot, arqro-podion (the jointed pedicels)<br />

Arthropteris Jointed-fern, arqro-pteruc (the rachis of the frond is jointed towards<br />

the base)<br />

arthrotrichus -a -um having jointed hairs, arqro-trixoj<br />

articulatus -a -um, arto- knuckled, jointed, joint-, articulated-, articulus, articuli<br />

artitectus -a -um completely fabricated, artioj-tektow, fully roofed, arti-tectum<br />

Artocarpus, artocarpus Bread-fruit, artoj-karpoj (the large, edible composite fruit)<br />

artosquamatus -a -um covered with crumb-like scales, botanical Latin from artoj<br />

and squamatus<br />

artus -a -um close, tight, narrow; joint, limb, artus<br />

aruanus -a -um from Aru Kep Island, off W New Guinea, Indonesia<br />

Arum a name, aron, used by <strong>The</strong>ophrastus (Araceae)<br />

Aruncus the name in Pliny<br />

arundarus -a -um of pens, canes, rods, flutes, combs, (h)arundo, (h)arundinis<br />

arundinaceus -a -um Arundo-like, reed-like, (h)arundo, (h)arundinis<br />

Arundinaria, arundinarius -a -um Cane or Reed-like, derived from Arundo<br />

Arundinella Little Arundo (but may grow to 3.5 m)<br />

Arundo the old Latin name, harundo, for a reed or cane, (h)arundo, (h)arundinis<br />


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