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Glossary<br />

anthemoides Anthemis-like, anqemij-oeidhj<br />

-anthemus -a -um, -anthes -flowered, anqemij<br />

Anthericum, anthericum from <strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name, anqerikoj, used by Linnaeus<br />

for an asphodel (St Bernard’s lily), originally an ear of corn or a stalk<br />

antherotes brilliant-looking, anqew-wthj<br />

-antherus -a -um -flowering, anqhroj, anqhra (in the botanical sense, -stamens, or -<br />

anthered)<br />

-anthes, -anthus -a -um -flowered, anqoj<br />

anthiodorus -a -um fragrant-flowered, anthus-odorus<br />

antho- flower-, anqoj, anqo-<br />

Anthocercis Rayed-flower, anqoj-kerkij<br />

Anthoceros Flower-horn, anqo-keraj (the conspicuously elongate, dark-brown, bivalved<br />

capsules)<br />

Anthocleista Closed-flower, anqo-kleistoj (the flower-shape)<br />

anthocrene fountain of flowers, anqo-krhnh<br />

Antholyza Rage-flower, anqo-lussa (resemblance of flower to animal’s maw)<br />

anthomaniacus -a -um frenzied-flowering, anqoj-maniakoj<br />

Anthophorus Flower-bearing, anqo-fora (the clustered spikelets fall together)<br />

anthopogon bearded-flowered, anqoj-pwgwn (Rhododendron anthopogon’s weird<br />

flowers)<br />

anthora resembling Ranunculus thora in poisonous properties, an-thora<br />

Anthospermum Flower-seed, anqo-sperma (dioecious)<br />

anthosphaerus -a -um globe-flowered, anqo-sfaira<br />

Anthostema Floral-crown, anqo-stemma (the heads of flowers)<br />

Anthoxanthum Yellow-flower, anqoj-canqoj (the spikelets at anthesis)<br />

anthracinus -a -um black-as coal, anqrac, anqrakoj<br />

anthracophilus -a -um growing on burnt wood, liking living-coal, (anqrac,<br />

anqrakoj)-filew<br />

Anthriscus from a Greek name, aqruskon, for another umbellifer (chervil)<br />

anthropophagorus -a -um of the man-eaters, anqrwpo-fagew (Cannibal tomato)<br />

anthropophorus -a -um man-bearing, anqrwpo-fora (flowers of the man orchid)<br />

Anthurium Flower-tail, anq-oura (the tail-like spadix)<br />

-anthus -a -um -flowered, anqoj<br />

anthyllidifolius -a -um with Anthyllis-like leaves, Anthyllis-folium; having leaves<br />

tubercled above, an-tulh-folium<br />

Anthyllis Downy-flower, anq-ullij (the name used by Dioscorides, for the calyx<br />

hairs)<br />

anti- against-, opposite-, opposite-to-, for, like-, false-, anti-, anti-<br />

Antiaris Against-association (the Javan vernacular name, antja, for the upas tree,<br />

Antiaris toxicaria (George Stevens (1736–1800) fabricated the upas tree’s reputed<br />

ability to cause the death of anyone who sleeps beneath it. Malayan, upas,<br />

poison)<br />

anticarius -a -um from the area around Caria, anti-Caria; from Antequera, Andalusia,<br />

S Spain<br />

Anticharis Lacking-charm, anti-xarieij (formerly Doratanthera, leathery flowered)<br />

antichorus -a -um distinctive, standing apart from the throng, anti-xoroj<br />

anticus -a -um turned inwards towards the axis, in front, anticus (antonym, posticus)<br />

Antidesma Against-a-band, anti-desmoj<br />

antidysentericus -a -um against dysentery, anti-dus-enteria (use in medical treatment)<br />

Antigonon Opposite-angled, anti-gonon (the zig-zag stems of coral vine)<br />

antillarus -a -um from either the Greater or Lesser Antilles, West Indies<br />

antioquiensis -is -e from Antioquia, Colombia<br />

antipodus -a -um from the Antipodes, antipodhj (from the other side of the world,<br />

literally, with the feet opposite)<br />

antipolitanus -a -um from the Antibes (Antipolis)<br />


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