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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Ancistrorhynchus Fish-hook-beak, agkistro-rugxoj (the shape of the pollinarium)<br />

Ancistrophyllum Fish-hook-leaved, agkistro-fullon (the leaf rachis terminates in<br />

hooked spines), or Quick-changing-leaf, the various leaflets and spines on the<br />

rachis, agxi-strofo-fullon<br />

Ancistus Barbed-one, agkistrion<br />

ancylo- hooked-, curved-, agkuloj, agkuloancyrensis-is<br />

-e from Ankara (Ancyra), Turkey<br />

andalgalensis -is -e from Andalgal, Argentina<br />

andaminus -a -um from the Andaman Islands, SE Bay of Bengal<br />

andegavensis -is -e from Angers in Anjou, France (Andegava)<br />

Andersonia for William Anderson (1750–78), botanist on Cook’s second and third<br />

voyages<br />

andersonii for Thomas Anderson (1832–70), botanist in Bengal, or for J. Anderson<br />

(fl. 1909), who collected in the Gold Coast (Ghana), or Messrs Anderson, patrons<br />

of botany<br />

andesicolus -a -um from the S American Andes cordillera, Andes-colo<br />

andicolus -a -um from the Colombian Andean cordillera, Andes-colo<br />

andigitrensis -is -e from the Andigitra mountains, Madagascar<br />

andinus -a -um from the high Chilean Andes<br />

Andira, andina from the Brazilian vernacular name<br />

andongensis -is -e from Andonga, NW Angola<br />

Andrachne the ancient Greek name, andraxne (for an evergreen shrub)<br />

andrachnoides resembling Andrachne, andraxne-oeidhj<br />

andreanus -a -um for E. F. André (1840–1911) Parisian landscape gardener<br />

andrewsianus -a -um, andrewsii for H. C. Andrews, early nineteenth-century botanical<br />

writer<br />

andrieuxii for G. Andrieux, plant collector in Mexico<br />

andro-, -andrus -a -um male, man, stamened-, anthered-, anhr, andr, androj, andro-<br />

Androcymbium Male-cup, andro-cymbium (the petal-limbs enfold the stamens)<br />

androgynus -a -um with staminate and pistillate flowers on the same head, hermaphrodite,<br />

anhr-gunh, androgynus, androgyni<br />

Andromeda after Andromeda, the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiope, whom<br />

Perseus rescued from the sea monster<br />

Andropogon Bearded-male, andro-pwgwn (awned male spikelet)<br />

Androrchis Male-testicle, andr-orxij, Orchis mascula or man orchid<br />

Androsace Man-shield, andro-sakoj (the exposed stamens of heterostyled spp.)<br />

androsaceus -a -um Androsace-like (the pink and brown pileus of the horse hair<br />

fungus)<br />

androsaemifolius -a -um Androsaemum-leaved, Androsaemum-folium<br />

Androsaemum, androsaemum Man’s-blood, androj-aima (Dioscorides’ name,<br />

androsaimon, for the blood-coloured juice of the berries)<br />

andrus -a -um -stamened, anhr, andr-<br />

Andryala etymology uncertain<br />

anegadensis -is -e from Anegada Island, Puerto Rica<br />

Aneilema Without-a-cover, a(n)-eiluma (the absence of an involucre)<br />

aneilematophyllus -a -um having leaves resembling those of Aneilema<br />

Anemarrhena Exposed-males, anem-arrhn (the exposed stamens)<br />

Anemia (Aneimia) Naked, aneimwn (the sori have no indusia)<br />

Anemiopsis Naked-looking, aneimwn-oyij (the sparsely leaved stems)<br />

Anemone a name used by <strong>The</strong>ophrastus. Possibly a corruption of Naaman,<br />

a Semitic name for Adonis, from whose blood sprung the crimson-flowered<br />

Anemone coronaria<br />

Anemonella Little-Anemone-resembling, diminutive termination<br />

anemones of or upon Anemone (Urocystis smut fungus)<br />

anemoniflorus -a -um Anemone-flowered<br />

anemonifolius -a -um Anemone-leaved, Anemone-folium<br />

anemonoides Anemone-like, Amenone-oides<br />


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