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Glossary<br />

Amsonia for Charles Amson, eighteenth-century Virginian physician and traveller<br />

in America<br />

amurensis -is -e, amuricus -a -um from the region of the Amur river, eastern Siberia<br />

amydros indistinct, dim, amudroj<br />

amygdalifolius -a -um almond-leaved, Amygdalus-folium<br />

amygdalinus -a -um almond-like, kernel-like, of almonds, amugdalinoj<br />

amygdaloides almond-like, amugdaloj-oeidhj<br />

amygdalopersicus -a -um Persian almond, amugdaloj-persikoj<br />

amygdalus the Greek name, amugdaloj, for the almond-tree (from Hebrew,<br />

megdh-el, sacred-fruit)<br />

amylaceus -a -um starchy, floury, amulon<br />

an-, ana- upon-, without-, backwards-, above-, again-, upwards-, up-, ana-, an-<br />

Anabasis Without-pedestal, ana-basij (has no gynophore)<br />

anabasis -is -e going upwards, climbing, ana-(basij, basewj)<br />

Anacampseros Love-returning, ana-kamptw-eroj (a love charm)<br />

Anacamptis Bent-back, ana-kamptw (the long spur of the flower)<br />

anacanthus -a -um lacking thorns, an-akanqa<br />

Anacardium Heart-above, ana-kardia (Linnaeus’ name refers to the shape of the<br />

false-fruit) (Anacardiaceae)<br />

Anacharis Without-charm, ana-xarij<br />

anachoretus -a -um not in chorus, growing in seclusion, ana-(xoroj, xorhtoj)<br />

Anacylus Lacking-a-circle, ana-kukloj (the arrangement of the outer florets on the<br />

disc)<br />

Anadelphia Without brothers or sisters, an-adelfoj (racemes lack homogamous<br />

pairs of spikelets)<br />

anagallidifolius -a -um Anagallis-leaved, Anagallis-folium<br />

Anagallis Unpretentious, ana-agallw, or Delighting, anagelaw<br />

anagallis-aquatica water-Anagallis (Veronica), Anagallis-aquaticus<br />

Anagyris Backward-turned, ana-guroj (the curved pods)<br />

anagyroides resembling Anagyris, Anagyris-oides curved backwards<br />

Ananas probably from a Tupi-Guarani vernacular name, nana, anana, ananas<br />

ananassus -a -um small-lipped, pineapple-like, ananas (the fruiting receptacle)<br />

anandrius -a -um unmanly, lacking stamens, anandroj<br />

ananta not-direct, uphill, endless, an-anta, an-anthj<br />

ananthocladus -a -um having non-flowering shoots, an-anqo-kladoj<br />

Anaphalis Greek name for an immortelle, derivation obscure<br />

anaphysemus -a -um turned-back-bladder, ana-fusa (the swollen tip of the curved<br />

spur), or without a bladder<br />

Anastatica, anastaticus -a -um Resurrection, anastasij (Anastatica hierochuntica,<br />

resurrection plant or rose of Jericho)<br />

anastomans intertwining, anastomozing, anastomaw (forming ‘mouths’)<br />

anastreptus -a -um twisted-backwards, curved-backwards, ana-streptoj<br />

anatinus -a -um healthy, rewarding, ana-tinw<br />

anatolicus -a -um from Anatolia, Turkish<br />

anatomicus -a -um skeletal, cut-up, ana-temnein (leaves)<br />

anceps doubtful, dangerous, two-edged, two-headed, anceps, ancipitis (stems flattened<br />

to form two edges)<br />

Anchomanes a name used by Dioscorides for another arum (the stems are prickly,<br />

agkura-mania)<br />

anchoriferus -a -um bearing flanges, anchor-like, poor Latin anchora-fero, from<br />

Greek agkura-ferw<br />

Anchusa Strangler, agxw, or Close, agxou (Aristophanes’ name, agxousa, egxousa,<br />

formerly for an alkanet, yielding a red dye)<br />

anchusifolius -a -um Anchusa-leaved, Anchusa-folium<br />

anchusoides Anchusa-like, agxousa-oeidhj<br />

ancistro- fish-hook-, agkistron<br />

Ancistrocheilus Fish-hook-lip, agkistro-xeiloj (the deflexed lip)<br />


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