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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

altaclerensis -is -e from Highclere, Hampshire (Alta Clara), or High Clere Nursery,<br />

Ireland<br />

altaicus -a -um, altaiensis -is -e from the Altai mountains of Central Asia<br />

altamahus -a -um from the Altamaha River, Georgia, USA<br />

alte-, alti-, alto- tall, high, altus<br />

alternans alternating, present participle of alterno, alternare, alternavi, alternatum<br />

Alternanthera Alternating-stamens, alter-ananthera (alternate ones are barren)<br />

alternatus -a -um alternating, alternatus (phyllotaxy)<br />

alterni-, alternus -a -um alternating on opposite sides, alternate, every other-, alter,<br />

alternus<br />

alternifolius -a -um with alternate leaves, alternus-folium<br />

Althaea (Althea) Healer, alqainw, a name, alqaia, used by <strong>The</strong>ophrastus<br />

althaeoides resembling Althaea, Althaea-oides<br />

alticaulis -is -e having tall stems, altus-caulis<br />

alticolus -a -um inhabiting high places, alti-colo<br />

altifrons tall-canopied, having high leafy growth, altus-(frondeo, frondere)<br />

altilis -is -e fat, large, nutritious, nourishing, alo, alere, alui, altum (alitum)<br />

altis -is -e above, on high, from afar, tall, alte<br />

altissimus -a -um the tallest (e.g. species of the genus), superlative of altus<br />

altus -a -um tall, high, altus<br />

alulatus -a -um with narrow wings, diminutive of alatus<br />

alumnus -a -um well nourished, flourishing, fostered, alumnus<br />

alutaceus -a -um of the texture of soft leather, alutus<br />

alveatus -a -um excavated, hollowed, trough-like, alveus, alvei<br />

alveolatus -a -um with shallow pits, honeycombed, alveolar, alveolus, alveoli<br />

alvernensis -is -e from the Auvergne, France (Arverni, Arvernus)<br />

Alyogyne Not-loosening-ovary, a-luw-gunh (indehiscent)<br />

alypum a former synonym for Globularia<br />

alyssifolius -a -um with leaves resembling those of Alyssum, Alyssum-folium<br />

Alyssoides. alyssoides resembling Alyssum, Alyssum-oides<br />

Alyssum Pacifier, a-lussa (an ancient Greek name, alussoj without-fury)<br />

ama-, am- jointly-, together-, ama<br />

amabilis -is -e pleasing, likeable, lovely, amo, amare, amavi, amatum<br />

amada from the Indian vernacular name for Curcuma amada<br />

amadelphus -a -um gregarious, am-adelfoj<br />

amagianus -a -um from the Amagi mountain, Kyushu, Japan<br />

Amana Japanese vernacular name for A. edulis<br />

Amanita Affectionate, amanitai, amans, amantis (attractive but toxic fly-agaric,<br />

death-cap and destroying-angel fungi)<br />

Amanitopsis resembling Amanita, amanit-oyij<br />

amanus -a -um from Amman, Jordan or Akmadagh–Amani mountains, N Syria, or<br />

Amanus mountain of S Turkey<br />

amaranthoides resembling Amaranthus, Amaranthus-oides<br />

Amaranthus (Amarantus) Unfading, a-marainw (Nicander’s name, amaranton, for<br />

the ‘everlasting’ flowers) (Amaranthaceae)<br />

amaranticolor purple, Amaranthus-coloured<br />

amarantinus -a -um not fading, amaranqinoj<br />

amaraliocarpus -a -um with fruits resembling those of Amaralia, botanical Latin<br />

from Amaralia and karpoj<br />

Amarcrinum the composite name for hybrids between Amaryllis and Crinum<br />

amarellus -a -um bitter tasted, diminutive of amarus (the Amarelle cherries are distinguished<br />

as red or yellow, with clear juice. Morello cherries are black with<br />

coloured juice)<br />

Amarine the composite generic name for hybrids between Amaryllis and Nerine<br />

amarissimus -a -um most bitter tasted, superlative of amarus<br />

amarus -a -um bitter, amarus (as in the amaras or bitters of the drinks industry, e.g.<br />

Quassia amara, cognate with amarella and morello)<br />


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