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Glossary<br />

alleghanensis -is -e from the Alleghany mountains, N USA<br />

Allexis Different (as distinct from Rinorea)<br />

alliaceus -a -um, allioides Allium-like, alium-oides (smelling of garlic)<br />

Alliaria Garlic-like, alium (garlic-smelling)<br />

alliariifolius -a -um Alliaria-leaved, Alliaria-folium<br />

allionii for Carlo Allioni (1728–1804), author of Flora Pedemontana<br />

Allium the ancient Latin name for garlic, alium (Alliaceae)<br />

allo- several-, different-, other-, alloj, allo-; at random, allwj, allo-<br />

Allocasuarina Different-from-Casuarina, botanical Latin from alloj and Casuarina<br />

allochrous -a -um varying in complexion, or changing colour, allo-xrwj<br />

Allosorus Random-sori, alloj-swroj (their shapes vary)<br />

Alloteropsis Alien-looking, allotrio-oyij (the irregular grouping of the spikelets)<br />

alluviorus -a -um occupying alluvial habitats, living where silt is washed up,<br />

modern Latin ad-luvio, ad-luvionis<br />

almus -a -um bountiful, kindly, nourishing, almus<br />

alnatus -a -um Alnus-like<br />

alni, alni- Alnus-like-, alder-like-, living on Alnus (gall midges)<br />

alnicolus -a -um living with alder, alnus-(colo, colere, colui, cultum) (saprophytic<br />

Pholiota alnicola)<br />

alnifolius -a -um Alnus-leaved, Alnus-folium<br />

alnoides resembling Alnus, Alnus-oides<br />

Alnus, alnus the ancient Latin name, alnus, alni, for the alder<br />

Alocasia Distinct-from-Colocasia, allo-kalokasia<br />

Aloe from the Semitic, alloeh, for the medicinal properties of the dried juice, aloh<br />

(Aloë, of Linnaeus)<br />

aloides Aloe-like, Aloe-oides<br />

aloifolius -a -um Aloe-leaved, Aloe-folium<br />

aloinopsis -is -e looking like Aloe, aloh-oyij<br />

Alonsoa for Alonzo Zanoni, Spanish official in Bogotá (mask flowers)<br />

alooides resembling Aloe, aloh-oeidhj<br />

alopecuroides resembling Alopecurus, alwphc-oura-oeidhj<br />

Alopecurus Fox-tail, alwphc-oura, <strong>The</strong>ophrastus’ name alwpekouroj<br />

Aloysia for Queen Maria Louisa of Spain (d. 1819)<br />

alpester -tris -tre of mountains, of the lower Alps, alpes, alpium, alpinus<br />

alpicolus -a -um of high mountains, alpes-(colo, colere, colui, cultum)<br />

alpigenus -a -um born of mountains, living on mountains, alpes-genus (gigno,<br />

gignere, genui, genitum)<br />

Alpinia for Prosper Alpino (1553–1617), Italian botanist who introduced coffee<br />

and bananas to Europe<br />

alpinoarticulatus -a -um alpine form of (Juncus) articulatus<br />

alpinus -a -um of upland or mountainous regions, alpine, of the high Alps, alpes<br />

alsaticus -a -um from Alsace, France<br />

Alseuosmia Good-fragrance-of-the-groves, alsoj-euosmh<br />

alseuosmoides resembling Alseuosmia, alsoj-euosmh-oeidhj<br />

alsinastrus -a -um resembling Alsine, chickweed-like, Alsine-astrum<br />

Alsine, alsine a name, alsinh, used by <strong>The</strong>ophrastus for a chickweed-like plant<br />

(alsoj a grove)<br />

alsinifolius -a -um with Alsine-like leaves, chickweed-leaved, Alsine-folium<br />

alsinoides chickweed-like, Alsine-oides<br />

alsius -a -um of cold habitats, alsius (algeo, algere, alsi)<br />

also- leafy glade-, of groves-, alsoj, alsoalsodes<br />

of woodland, of sacred groves, alsoj-wdhj<br />

Alsophila, alsophilus -a -um Grove-loving, alsoj-filew<br />

Alstonia for Professor Charles Alston (1685–1760), of Edinburgh<br />

alstonii for Captain E. Alston (fl. 1891), collector of succulents in Ceres, S Africa<br />

Alstroemeria for Baron Claus Alströmer (1736–94), Swedish botanist, friend of<br />

Linnaeus (Peruvian lilies) (Alstroemeriaceae)<br />


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