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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Names</strong> of <strong>Plants</strong><br />

Alcea the name, alkaia, alkea, used by Dioscorides<br />

alceifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Alcea, Alcea-folium<br />

alceus -a -um mallow-like, resembling Alcea<br />

Alchemilla from Arabic, al-kimiya, in reference either to its reputed property that<br />

dew from its leaves could transmute base metals to gold (alchemy) or to the fringed<br />

leaves of some species<br />

alchemilloides resembling Alchemilla, Alchemilla-oides<br />

alcicornis -is -e elk-horned, alces-(cornu, cornus; cornum, corni)<br />

alcockianus -a -um for Sir Rutherford Alcock (1809–97), consul in China<br />

aldabrensis -is -e, aldabricus -a -um from the Aldabra Archipelago, Indian Ocean<br />

Alectra Unwedded or Illicit, a-lektroj (mostly parasitic on grasses)<br />

Alectryon Cock, alektruwn (the indumentum of silky-reddish hairs)<br />

alepensis -is -e, aleppensis -is -e, aleppicus -a -um of Halab (Aleppo), N Syria (see<br />

halepensis)<br />

Aletris Mealy, aletron (Aletris farinosa re-emphasizes its floury covering)<br />

aletroides resembling Aletris, aletron-oeidhj<br />

aleur-, aleuro- mealy-, flowery-, aleuron (surface texture)<br />

Aleura Mealy, aleuron (the pileus’ surface texture)<br />

aleuriatus -a -um, aleuricus -a -um mealy, floury, aleuron<br />

Aleurites Floury, aleuron (the mealy covering of tung oil tree leaves)<br />

aleuropus -a -um with meal-covered stalks, aleuro-pouj<br />

aleutaceus -a -um purse-like, softly leathery, alutus<br />

aleuticus -a -um Aleutian, from Aleutian Islands, N Pacific<br />

alexandrae for Queen Alexandra Caroline Mary Charlotte Louisa Julia<br />

(1844–1925), wife of Edward VII<br />

alexandrinus -a -um from Alexandria, Egypt, or other of the ancient townships<br />

named Alexandria<br />

alfalfa the Spanish name for Medicago sativa, from Arabic, al-fasfasah<br />

algarvensis -is -e from the Algarve, S Portugal<br />

algeriensis -is -e from Algeria, N Africa<br />

algidus -a -um of cold habitats, of high mountains, algidus<br />

algoensis -is -e from Algoa Bay, Cape Province, S Africa<br />

Alhagi the Mauritanian vernacular name for Alhagi maurorum<br />

alicae for Princess Alice Maude Mary of Hesse (1843–78)<br />

aliceara for Mrs Alice Iwanaga of Hawaii, orchid hybridist<br />

aliciae for Miss Alice Pegler, plant collector in Transkei, S Africa<br />

alienus -a -um different from, of others, strange, alien, alienus<br />

aligerus -a -um winged, bearing wings, (ala, alae)-gero<br />

alimaculatus -a -um with spotted wing petals, (ala, alae)-(macula, maculae)<br />

-alis -is -e -belonging to (a noun), adjectival ending signifying of or belonging to<br />

the stem noun, e.g. seges a corn-field, segetalis of cornfields<br />

Alisma, alisma Dioscorides’ name, alisma, for a plantain-leaved water plant<br />

(Alismataceae)<br />

alismifolius -a -um having leaves resembling those of Alisma, Alisma-folium<br />

alkanet the name given to the imported dye obtained from Alkanna tinctoria<br />

(Spanish, alcaneta, diminutive of Arabic, al-henna)<br />

Alkanna from the Arabic, al-henna, for Lawsonia inermis, the source of henna<br />

alkekengi a name, alkikabon, used by Dioscorides (from Persian, al-kakunadj, or alkakendj,<br />

for a nightshade)<br />

Allamanda for Dr Frederick Allamand, or Jean Allamand who sent seeds of this to<br />

Linnaeus, from Brazil<br />

allanto- sausage-, allaj, allanto-, allant-<br />

Allantodia Sausage-like, allant-wdhj (the frond shape, ( Athyrium)<br />

allantoides resembling a sausage, allant-oeidhj<br />

allantophyllus -a -um with sausage-shaped leaves, allanto-fullon<br />

Allardia, allardii for E. J. Allard of Cambridge Botanic Garden c.1904<br />

allatus -a -um brought, not native, foreign, adlatus (adfero, adferre, attuli, adlatum)<br />


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