(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora

(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora

(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora


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Polypodium semicordatum Sw., Prodr. 132. 1788.<br />

Type: Jamaica, Swartz s.n. (holotype S;! isotypes<br />

B-Willd. 19742, UPS-Thunb. 24710).<br />

Aspidium semicordatum (Sw.) Sw., J. Bot. (Schrader)<br />

1800(2): 31. 1801.<br />

Hemicardion nephrolepis Fée, Mém. Fam. Foug. 5:<br />

282. 1852, nom. superfl., based on Aspidium semicordatum<br />

(Sw.) Sw.<br />

Habitat: rare, terrestrial fern in rocky places in mesophile<br />

forest.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Bains Jaunes, Le<br />

Gallo 3105 (P); Vallée Turlet, Le Gallo 3108 (P);<br />

coastal ravine near the Monts Caraïbes (Vivant,<br />

1987b).<br />

237. Lomariopsis sorbifolia (L.) Fée, Mém. Fam.<br />

Foug. 2: 69. 1845.<br />

Acrostichum sorbifolium L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1069. 1753.<br />

Lectotype (designated by Proctor, 1977): Martinique,<br />

Morne de la Calebasse, Petiver, Pter. Amér.:<br />

153, tab. 9, fig. 8. 1712.<br />

Lomariopsis sorbifolia (L.) Fée var. caudata Fée,<br />

Mém. Fam. Foug. 2: 70. 1845. Lectotype (designated<br />

by Proctor, 1989): Guadeloupe, Anon. (RB),<br />

not located, not present in RB.<br />

Habitat: lithophytic or climbing on trees in<br />

rainforests.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Trace Étang<br />

Roche to Étang de l’As de Pique, Christenhusz 4070<br />

(TUR); Domaine de Valombreuse (M. J. M. Christenhusz,<br />

pers. observ.).<br />

238. Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott, Gen. Fil.<br />

tab. 3. 1834.<br />

Aspidium biserratum Sw., J. Bot. (Schrader) 1800(2):<br />

32. 1801. Type: Mauritius, Gröndal s.n. (holotype<br />

S!).<br />

Habitat: pantropical, terrestrial or epiphytic fern,<br />

often on tree trunks, palm crowns and in the canopy.<br />

[Nephrolepis brownii (Desv.) Hovenkamp & Miyam.,<br />

Blumea 50: 293. 2005. Nephrodium brownii Desv.,<br />

Prodr. 252. 1827. Lectotype (designated here): Australia,<br />

Park II, East Coast, R. Brown 20 (K!, duplicate<br />

BM).<br />

Nephrolepis multiflora sensu Proctor (1977).<br />

Habitat: commonly cultivated species of tropical Asia,<br />

widely naturalized on Guadeloupe, growing terrestrially<br />

in natural habitats such as mountain savannas<br />


(La Soufrière), thickets, open ground, gardens<br />

(Domaine de Valombreuse) and walls (Pointe-à-Pitre).<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: La Soufrière,<br />

Christenhusz 3916 (L, TUR); Chalk mine at Vieux<br />

Fort (Vivant, 1987b). GRAND TERRE: Chalk mines<br />

at Gosier (Vivant, 1987b). MARIE GALANTE<br />

(Proctor, 1977).]<br />

[Nephrolepis exaltata (L.) Schott, Gen. Fil. tab. 3.<br />

1834. Polypodium exaltatum L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 2:<br />

1326. 1759. Lectotype (designated by Alston, 1933):<br />

Jamaica, Sloane, Voy. Jamaica 1: 77, tab. 31. 1707.<br />

Epitype (designated here): Harlow s.n., Herb.<br />

Sloane 1: 55 (BM-SL).<br />

Habitat: a single population of this terrestrial species<br />

is known from Matouba, at ‘La Marguerite’ (Vivant,<br />

1990), where it is a remnant of former cultivation.]<br />

239. Nephrolepis rivularis (Vahl) Mett. ex Krug, Bot.<br />

Jahrb. Syst. 24: 122. 1897.<br />

Polypodium rivulare Vahl, Eclog. Amer. 3: 51. 1807.<br />

Type: Montserrat, Ryan s.n. [11] (holotype C).<br />

Aspidium eminens Wikstr., Kongl. Svenska Vetensk.<br />

Akad. Handl. 1825: 436. 1826. Type: Guadeloupe,<br />

Forsström s.n. (holotype S!)<br />

Habitat: common epiphytic, lithophytic or terrestrial<br />

fern in rainforests, often near streams.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Cascade aux<br />

Écrevisses, Christenhusz 2733 (L, NY, TUR); Trace<br />

Étang Madère to Étang Roche, Christenhusz 2790 (L,<br />

TUR); Sofaïa, Christenhusz 3953 (L, TUR); Cascade<br />

Vauchelet, Christenhusz 4085 (L, NY, P, TUR); Rivière<br />

Quiock, Christenhusz 4110 (L, TUR); 4121 (L, TUR);<br />

Saut d’Eau du Matouba (M. J. M. Christenhusz, pers.<br />

observ.). MARIE GALANTE (Proctor, 1977).<br />

Several Nephrolepis species are cultivated on<br />

Guadeloupe and may persist or escape from gardens<br />

(Proctor, 1977, Vivant 1988, 1989a, 1996):<br />

1. Nephrolepis cv. ‘Bostoniensis’ (near Gosier).<br />

2. N. ‘Duffii’ (cemetery of Port Louis and near<br />

Montebello).<br />

3. N. biserrata ‘Furcans’ (at Montebello).<br />

4. N. hirsutula ‘Superba’. (Vallon de Poucel, near<br />

Gosier).<br />


240. Ctenitis excelsa (Desv.) Proctor, Rhodora 63: 34.<br />

1961.<br />

© 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161, 213–277

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