(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora

(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora

(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora


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244 M. J. M. CHRISTENHUSZ<br />

Habitat: various cultivars of this species are offered in<br />

supermarkets on Guadeloupe and may naturalize<br />

after establishing themselves in gardens.]<br />

123. Pteris grandifolia L., Sp. Pl. 1073. 1753. Lectotype:<br />

(designated by Tryon, 1964b): ‘Habitat in<br />

Dominicae, Martinicae uliginosis’, Anon. (LINN<br />

1246.1!).<br />

Habitat: rare fern of moist thickets, along watercourses<br />

and in ravines at lower to mid elevations,<br />

often on limestone.<br />

Locality: GRAND TERRE: northern part of Grands-<br />

Fonds, in abandoned chalk mines near David-<br />

Chazeau (Vivant, 1989b).<br />

[Pteris multifida Poir. in Lamarck, Encycl. 5: 714.<br />

1804. Type: cultivated at Muséum d’Histoire<br />

Naturelle, Paris, Anon. (holotype P-Lam.).<br />

Habitat: cultivated fern, originally from East Asia,<br />

locally naturalized on masonry, pavement and in<br />

gardens.<br />

Locality: along a trail near the police station in Sainte<br />

Claude (Vivant, 1989a).]<br />

124. Pteris pungens Willd., Sp. Pl. 5: 387. 1810. Lectotype<br />

(designated by Proctor, 1977): Léogane,<br />

Haiti, Plumier, Traité Foug. Amér. tab. 14. 1705.<br />

Pteris biaurita L. var. pungens (Willd.) Christ, Bot.<br />

Jahrb. Syst. 24: 99. 1897.<br />

Pteris quadriaurita Retz. var. pungens (Willd.)<br />

Bommer & Christ, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 35:<br />

190. 1896.<br />

Habitat: local, usually terrestrial near streams in<br />

forest.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Cascade Vauchelet,<br />

Christenhusz 4093 (TUR).<br />

125. Pteris quadriaurita Retz., Observ. Bot. 6: 38.<br />

1791. Type: Sri Lanka (Ceylon), König s.n. (holotype<br />

LD).<br />

Habitat: rare fern of ravines in mesophile forests.<br />

Localities: BASSE TERRE: Monts Caraïbes (Vivant,<br />

1987b).<br />

[Pteris tripartita Sw., J. Bot. (Schrader) 1800(2): 67.<br />

1801. Lectotype (designated here): Indonesia, Java,<br />

Thunberg s.n. (UPS-Thunb. 24968; duplicate UPS-<br />

Thunb. 24969).<br />

Habitat: cultivated fern originally from the Old World<br />

tropics. It was planted in a garden in Sainte Claude,<br />

where it did not persist (Vivant, 1989b, 1996). The<br />

species is commonly naturalized on Saint Lucia (M. J.<br />

M. Christenhusz, pers. observ.).]<br />

[Pteris vittata L., Sp. Pl. 1074. 1753. Lectotype (designated<br />

by Tryon, 1964b): China, Osbeck s.n. (LINN<br />

1246.3!).<br />

Habitat: common fern on masonry and limestone<br />

cliffs, especially in open chalk mines; originally from<br />

the Old World tropics, but commonly naturalized in<br />

the New World.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Chalk mines<br />

at Trois-Rivières and Vieux Fort (Vivant, 1987b).<br />

GRAND TERRE: Dunoyer, Christenhusz 4195 (P,<br />

TUR); Pointe-à-Pitre City centre (M. J. M. Christenhusz,<br />

pers. observ.), Raffinerie Darbousier (Vivant,<br />

1987b); Cocoyer (M. J. M. Christenhusz, pers.<br />

observ.); Domaine de Valombreuse (M. J. M. Christenhusz,<br />

pers. observ.). LES SAINTES: Terre de Haut<br />

(Vivant, 1989b). MARIE GALANTE (Proctor, 1977).]<br />

126. Vittaria costata Kunze, Linnaea 9: 77. 1834.<br />

Type: Peru, Tocache, Huallaga, Poeppig s.n. (W!).<br />

Pteris angustifolia Sw., Prodr. 129. 1788. Type:<br />

Jamaica, Swartz s.n. (holotype S!).<br />

Vittaria angustifolia (Sw.) Baker, Fl. Bras. (Martius)<br />

1(2): 544. 1870.<br />

Ananthacorus angustifolius (Sw.) Underw. & Maxon,<br />

Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 10: 487. 1908.<br />

Habitat: epiphyte on trunks of forest trees, rarely<br />

lithophytic.<br />

Localities: Gorges de la Lézarde (Vernou) on cultivated<br />

mango trees (Vivant, 1988).<br />

127. Vittaria graminifolia Kaulf., Enum. Filic: 192.<br />

1824. Type: Brazil Otto s.n. (isotype E!, LE?). The<br />

holotype in LZ is no longer extant. Tryon (1964a)<br />

selected a neotype: Sellow s.n. (B), but original<br />

material exists superseding this neotypification.<br />

Vittaria filifolia Fée, Mém. Foug. 3: 20, t. 3, fig. 6.<br />

1852. Lectotype (designated by Tryon, 1964a):<br />

Guadeloupe, l’Herminier s.n., ex herb. Cosson (P).<br />

Habitat: delicate epiphyte, common on tree trunks in<br />

forest.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Sofaïa, Christenhusz<br />

3975 (TUR); Bras David (M. J. M. Christenhusz,<br />

pers. observ.); Saut d’Eau du Matouba (M. J. M.<br />

© 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161, 213–277

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