(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora

(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora

(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora


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Habitat: uncommon terrestrial species on clayey<br />

banks along streams in rainforests.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Grand Étang,<br />

Christenhusz 2799 (TUR); 4053 (P, TUR); Étang<br />

Zombis, Christenhusz 4042 (P, TUR); Domaine de<br />

Valombreuse (M. J. M. Christenhusz, pers. observ.).<br />

60. Trichomanes pedicellatum Desv., Ges. Naturf.<br />

Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten<br />

Naturk. 5: 328. 1811.<br />

Type: <strong>French</strong> Guiana, Cayenne, Anon., Herbarium<br />

Desvaux (holotype P!).<br />

Habitat: rare climbing epiphyte in lowland<br />

rainforests.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: without locality,<br />

l’Herminier s.n. (BM, P).<br />

61. Trichomanes pinnatum Hedw., Fil. Gen. & Sp.<br />

tab. 4, fig. 1. 1799. Neotype: (designated here):<br />

Guadeloupe, Basse Terre, Cascade aux Écrevisses,<br />

Christenhusz 3968 (BM!, duplicates P!, TUR!). The<br />

protologue (Hedwig, 1799) mentioned that the material<br />

studied for this illustration came from Jamaica,<br />

perhaps based on material sent by Swartz; however,<br />

no specimen of this species is known to have ever<br />

been collected in Jamaica. The figure in Hedwig<br />

(1799: tab. 4, fig. 1), selected as lectotype by Proctor<br />

(1977) has insufficient detail to be able to apply the<br />

name with certainty to any actual specimens. Trichomanes<br />

pinnatum hence became a broadly applied<br />

species name, but specimens identified with this<br />

name appear polymorphic and most likely belong to<br />

different species. Further studies on this species<br />

complex are necessary, which will greatly benefit<br />

from this neotypification.<br />

Neurophyllum pinnatum (Hedw.) C.Presl, Hymen. 19.<br />

1843.<br />

Neuromanes pinnatum (Hedw.) Trevis. Herb. Crypt.<br />

Trevis. 4. 1851.<br />

Ptilophyllum pinnatum (Hedw.) Prantl, Unters.<br />

Morph. Gefasskrypt. 1: 49. 1875.<br />

Habitat: abundant fern terrestrially in rainforests.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Cascade aux<br />

Écrevisses, Christenhusz 2738 (TUR); Sofaïa, Christenhusz<br />

2752 (TUR); Rivière Quiock, Christenhusz<br />

4115 (P, TUR); Domaine de Valombreuse (M. J. M.<br />

Christenhusz, pers. observ.).<br />

62. Trichomanes polypodioides L., Sp. Pl. 1098. 1753.<br />

Neotype (designated by Proctor, 1977): Montserrat,<br />

Proctor 19068 (A; isoneotype US).<br />


Trichomanes sinuosum Rich ex Willd., Sp. Pl. 5: 502.<br />

1810. Type: Guadeloupe, Richard s.n. (holotype<br />

B-Willd. 20191).<br />

Habitat: relatively common epiphyte on tree ferns<br />

and tree trunks.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Sofaïa, Christenhusz<br />

3984 (TUR); Maison de la Forêt (M. J. M.<br />

Christenhusz, pers. observ.).<br />

63. Trichomanes robustum E.Fourn., Bull. Soc. Bot.<br />

France 15: 147. 1868. Lectotype (designated here):<br />

Guadeloupe, l’Herminier s.n. (P!). Fournier did not<br />

designate a particular specimen and, because there<br />

are several candidates, I selected the P specimen<br />

here as lectotype.<br />

Habitat: rare fern of montane forests at high elevation<br />

(1100–1200 m), on rotten logs and mossy<br />

branches.<br />

Localities: BASSE TERRE: Grand Sans Toucher,<br />

Grande Découverte (Vivant, 1990).<br />

64. Trichomanes trigonum Desv., Ges. Naturf.<br />

Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten<br />

Naturk. 5:328. 1811. Type: ‘Gallia aequinoctiali’<br />

(<strong>French</strong> Guiana), Anon. Herbarium Desvaux<br />

(holotype P!).<br />

Habitat: locally common terrestrial fern on humus,<br />

boulders, rocks and decaying logs.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Trace de<br />

l’Armistice, Christenhusz 2772 (TUR); Grand Étang,<br />

Christenhusz 4054 (P, TUR).<br />

65. Vandenboschia radicans (Sw.) Copel., Philipp. J.<br />

Sci. 67: 51, 54. 1938.<br />

Trichomanes radicans Sw., J. Bot. (Schrader) 1800(2):<br />

97. 1801. Type: Jamaica, Swartz s.n. (holotype S;<br />

isotype SBT).<br />

Habitat: rare lithophytic fern, found on a basalt block<br />

in montane rainforest at 650 m.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE, without locality,<br />

l’Herminier s.n. ex herb. Strassbourg (BM). Locality:<br />

BASSE TERRE: Rivière du Plessis (Vivant, 1989b).<br />


66. Diplopterygium bancroftii (Hook.) A.R.Sm., Amer.<br />

Fern J. 70: 26. 1980.<br />

© 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161, 213–277

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