(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora

(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora

(French West Indies)boj_1 - CNCFlora


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Lycopodium chamaepeuce Herter, Bot. Jahrb. Syst.<br />

43 (Beibl. 98): 50. 1909. Type: Guadeloupe or<br />

<strong>French</strong> Guiana; not assigned.<br />

Habitat: occasional epiphyte.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Matouba and<br />

Baillif, Rodriguez 3948 (P); Moscou, Questel 1089 (P);<br />

St Claude, Quentin 1122 (P); St Claude road to Parnasse,<br />

Questel 1058 (US); Rodriguez 2953 (P); Stehlé<br />

1977 (P); Matouba, Questel 3163 (US); Bains Jaunes,<br />

Stehlé 339 (P, US); Dugommier, Stehlé 1226 (P, US);<br />

Hermitage, Trois Rivières, Stehlé 1184 (P); Stehlé<br />

1185 (US); Rivière du Gallion, l’Herminier 89 (P);<br />

Savane à Mulets, Brousemiche s.n.anno 1879 (P).<br />

4. Huperzia funiformis (Cham. ex Spring) Trevis., Atti<br />

Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 17: 248. 1874.<br />

Lycopodium funiforme Cham. ex Spring, Bull. Acad.<br />

Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 8: 516. 1841. Lectotype (designated<br />

by Proctor, 1989): Guadeloupe, l’Herminier<br />

s.n., Herbarium Bory (P!; duplicate GH).<br />

Habitat: epiphyte at mid elevations, often near rivers.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: l’Herminier s. n.<br />

(BR, GH, K, NY, P, UC); Gourbeyre, Chemin de la<br />

Regrette, Rodriguez 3269 (P); Rivière Quiock, Christenhusz<br />

4116 (AAU, TUR); Matouba, Duss 3744 (P);<br />

Matouba, Vallée de Saint Louis, Duss s.n. anno 1874<br />

(P); Vernou, Questel 3095 (US); Heights of Montebello,<br />

Vivant s.n. (AAU).<br />

5. Huperzia intermedia Trevis., Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat.<br />

17: 248. 1874.<br />

Lycopodium intermedium Spring, Fl. Bras. (Martius)<br />

1(2): 111. 1840, nom. illeg. hom., non L. intermedium<br />

Blume. Syntypes: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro,<br />

Freyreiss s.n., Sello s.n., not located.<br />

Lycopodium reflexum Lam. var. intermedium (Trevis.)<br />

Baker, Fern Allies 11. 1887. Huperzia intermedia<br />

(Trevis.) Rothm., Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni<br />

Veg. 54: 60. 1944.<br />

Habitat: rare terrestrial in high-elevation savannas.<br />

Locality: La Soufrière, Ravine Amic, 1200 m (Vivant,<br />

1996).<br />

6. Huperzia linifolia (L.) Trevis., Atti Soc. Ital. Sci.<br />

Nat. 17: 248. 1874.<br />

Lycopodium linifolium L., Sp. Pl. 1100. 1753. Lectotype<br />

(designated by Proctor, 1977): Plumier, Traité<br />

Foug. Amér. tab. 166, fig. C. 1705.<br />


Lycopodium linifolium L. var. gracile l’Herm. ex Fée,<br />

Mém. Fam. Foug. 11: 129. 1866. Type: Guadeloupe,<br />

l’Herminier s.n. (P!, pro parte). This specimen is a<br />

mixed collection of Huperzia linifolia and H.<br />

tenuicaulis.<br />

Habitat: common epiphyte in forests and in trees in<br />

cow meadows at lower or mid elevations.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: Sofaïa, Christenhusz<br />

3959 (TUR); Étang Zombis, Christenhusz 4046<br />

(AAU, P, TUR), Cascade Vauchelet, Christenhusz<br />

4091 (TUR); Matouba, Duss 907 (P); Bains-Jaunes,<br />

Morne Gommier, Duss 3746 (P); Saut d’Eau de<br />

Matouba, Stehlé 810 (P, US); Bras David, l’Herminier<br />

9 (P); s.n., anno 1845 (P); Grand Étang, Stehlé s.n.,<br />

anno 1935 (P); Plateau du Palmiste, Rodriguez 6671<br />

(P); Rivière Rouge, Rodriguez 6688 (P); Vernou, La<br />

Glacière, Fournet 4410 (P).<br />

7. Huperzia reflexa (Lam.) Trevis., Atti Soc. Ital. Sci.<br />

Nat. 17: 248. 1874.<br />

Lycopodium reflexum Lam., Encycl. 3: 653. 1789.<br />

Type: Martinique, Martin s.n. (holotype P-Lam.<br />

442).<br />

Habitat: common terrestrial on slopes and steep<br />

banks at mid to high elevation.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: l’Herminier s.n.<br />

(BR, P); Husnot 565 d (GH, K, P); Bains Jaunes,<br />

Stehlé 2414 (P, US); La Citerne, Christenhusz 2782<br />

(AAU, TUR); Basse Terre, Proctor 20337 (A).<br />

8. Huperzia sieberiana (Spring) Rothm., Feddes<br />

Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 54: 60. 1944.<br />

Lycopodium sieberianum Spring, Flora 21, pt. 1: 153.<br />

1838. Type: Martinque, Kohaut, Sieber Exsicc. 56<br />

(holotype B).<br />

Lycopodium rigidum J.F.Gmel., Syst. Nat. ed. 13, 2:<br />

1289. 1791. Lectotype (designated by Proctor, 1977):<br />

Dillenius, Historia Muscorum tab. 57, fig. 4. 1741.<br />

The figure was attributed to Hispaniola, but is more<br />

likely based on material from Guadeloupe (Proctor,<br />

1985).<br />

Lycopodium reflexum Lam. var. rigidum (J.F.Gmel.)<br />

Proctor, Rhodora 68: 464. 1966.<br />

Habitat: terrestrial at high elevations in humid open<br />

fern savannas.<br />

Material examined: BASSE TERRE: La Soufrière,<br />

Christenhusz 3906 (AAU, P, TUR); 3929 (AAU, P,<br />

TUR); Feldmann s.n., anno 1936 (P); l’Herminier s.n.,<br />

anno 1843 (P); s.n., anno 1845 (P); Linden 196 (P);<br />

Questel 1105 (US); Stehlé 330 (P); 1801 (US); 2410 (P,<br />

© 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161, 213–277

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