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blackish gray, smooth or sHghtly flocculose, margin even or wavy, flesh thin,<br />

white, often changing to reddish when wounded or in age, taste and odor mild.<br />

LAMELLAE slightly dccurrcnt, forked, close, narrow, blunt on edge but not<br />

ridge-form, white or stained reddish, stipe 1-3 in. long, Ys-Ya in. thick, equal<br />

or sHghtly tapering upward, whitish or pale gray, usually slightly silky, stuffed<br />

or sohd. SPORES white, smooth, fusiform to fusiform-elliptical, narrow, (8) 10-<br />

12 (14) X 3-4 (5) M.<br />

In groups among moss, usually Polytrichum. July-Oct.<br />

On account of the relatively thin, close lamellae, this species is rather<br />

difficult to place at first, and the beginner is inclined to look for it in Clitocybe.<br />

Once it is recognized as a Cantharellus, however, it is easy to identify and will<br />

not be confused with any other species in this genus. The grayish, umbonate<br />

pileus, the reddening of the flesh and lamellae, and the habitat among mosses<br />

are all distinctive characters. It is said to be edible but because of its small size<br />

is not Hkely to tempt many.<br />

Singer has considered the amyloid spores and well-formed lamellae of<br />

this species to be sufficiently distinct to separate it from Cantharellus and he<br />

has made it the type of a new genus Cantharellula. Other species that Singer<br />

has included in Cantharellula are Clitocybe ectypoides Peck and C. cyathiformis<br />

(Bull, ex Fr.) Kummer.<br />


The principal distinguishing character of Lactarius is the presence of a<br />

latex or milky juice. This latex can best be demonstrated by cutting or breaking<br />

the lamellae or flesh of young specimens. It is sometimes difficult to demon-<br />

strate in old specimens or under very dry conditions, but the apex of the stipe<br />

where it meets the lamellae is a good place to try. A few other mushrooms do<br />

have a latex but they do not resemble Lactarius in stature. Lactarius species<br />

have a characteristic, rather stiff stature and brittle texture that results from<br />

the tissue of the fruit body being composed of many large, round cells termed<br />

sphaerocysts, as well as the usual filamentous hyphae found in other mushrooms.<br />

The spores are invariably ornamented with more or less prominent<br />

warts and spines or with a raised network. This ornamentation is strongly<br />

amyloid, and the pattern of the ornamentation as observed under very high<br />

magnification is important in critical identification of species. The spores<br />

should be measured in side view since those seen in end view will appear to<br />

be globose.<br />

These characteristic spores and the presence of sphaerocysts in the tissues<br />

are features that distinguish the genera Lactarius and Russula from all other<br />

mushrooms and these two genera are sometimes placed in a separate family,<br />


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