NEAT*Crustacea - TMBL

NEAT*Crustacea - TMBL

NEAT*Crustacea - TMBL


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L. longicorne (Bate & Westwood,1861)<br />

= L. carinatum Bate & Westwood,1868<br />

Kattegatt-S Norway-North Sea-Br. Isles-Portugal-Mediterranean<br />

L. umbo (Goës,1866)<br />

NW & N Norway-Arctic Seas-Iceland-between Iceland & Faeroes<br />

L. serratum Stephensen,1925<br />

off SW Iceland-off SW Faeroes<br />

L. typhlops Bonnier,1896<br />

off SW Faeroes-Bay of Biscay<br />

Perrierella Chevreux & Bouvier,1892<br />

P. audouiniana (Bate,1857)<br />

Kattegatt-Bohuslän-North Sea-W Norway-Br. Isles-W Africa-Mediterranean<br />

Ambasia Boeck,1871<br />

A. atlantica (Milne-Edwards,1830)<br />

= A. danielsseni Boeck,1871<br />

Skagerrak-W & N Norway-Greenland-Iceland-Faeroes-off SW Ireland<br />

A. murmanica Brüggen,1905<br />

N Norway-Murmansk-E Greenland-off SW Faeroes<br />

Metambasia Stephensen,1923<br />

M. faeroensis Stephensen,1925<br />

off SW Faeroes<br />

Schisturella Norman,1900<br />

S. pulchra (Hansen,1887)<br />

off NW Scotland-W Greenland<br />

Aristias Boeck,1871<br />

A. neglectus Hansen,1887<br />

@ Bolocera tuediae, Macandrevia cranium, other Brachiopods & Sponges<br />

Kattegatt-Bohuslän-W & N Norway-Shetlands-Br. Isles-Mediterranean<br />

A. microps G.O. Sars,1895<br />

?Skagerrak-Trondheim-N Norway-off W & SW Iceland-offoff SW Faeroes<br />

A. megalops G.O. Sars,1895<br />

* Possibly the male of A. microps G.O. Sars<br />

Trondheim-N Norway<br />

A. tumidus (Krøyer,1846)<br />

N Norway-Jan Mayen-Arctic Seas<br />

A. falcatus Stephensen,1923<br />

off SW Faeroes<br />

Lysianella G.O. Sars,1882<br />

L. petalocera G.O. Sars,1882<br />

Koster Channel-S, W & N Norway<br />

Tryphosites G.O. Sars,1891<br />

T. longipes (Bate & Westwood,1861)<br />

Kattegatt-Bohuslän-W & N Norway-Faeroes-Rockall-Canaries-Mediterranean<br />

T. alleni Sexton,1911<br />

off SW Faeroes-off W Ireland-Bay of Biscay<br />

Scopelocheirus Bate,1856<br />

S. hopei (Costa,1851)<br />

= S. kroeyeri (Bruzelius,1859)<br />

= S. crenatus Bate,1857<br />

* Lincoln,1979 synonymized S. crenatus with S. hopei<br />

Kattegatt-Bohuslän-North Sea-W & N Norway-Iceland-Br. Isles-W France-Mediterranean<br />

Tmetonyx Stebbing,1906<br />

= Hoplonyx G.O. Sars,1891 (homonym)<br />

T. cicada (O. Fabricius,1780)<br />

Öresund-Bohuslän-W & N Norway-Arctic Seas-Iceland-off Shetlands-Br. Isles-Jersey<br />

T. similis (G.O. Sars,1895)<br />

= T. leucophthalmus (G.O. Sars,1895)<br />

Kattegatt-Skagerrak-W & N Norway-Arctic Seas-Iceland-Br. Isles-NW France-Mediterranean<br />

T. acutus (G.O. Sars,1895)<br />

Bohuslän-Skagerrak-N Norway-off SW Faeroes<br />

T. albidus (G.O. Sars,1895)<br />

N Norway<br />

T. rotundatus Chevreux,1926<br />

off Lofoten<br />

T. caeculus (G.O. Sars,1895)<br />

* Should be moved to a new genus, according to Oleröd,1987<br />

Bohuslän-W & N Norway-SW Iceland<br />

T. longichela Stephensen,1925<br />

off SE Iceland<br />

T. gracilipes Stephensen,1925<br />

off N Faeroes<br />

T. trionyx Stephensen,1925<br />

off SW Iceland<br />

T. norbiensis Oleröd,1987<br />

abyssal depths in Norw. Sea<br />

Euonyx Norman,1867<br />

E. chelatus Norman,1867 ()<br />

@ Echinus esculentus<br />

N Norway-off SW Faeroes-Shetlands-W Scotland-Wales<br />

Stephonyx Lowry & Stoddart,1989<br />

S. biscayensis (Chevreux,1908)<br />

= Euonyx biscayensis Chevreux,1908 ()<br />

off SW Faeroes-off SW Ireland-Bay of Biscay-S Africa<br />

S. talismani (Chevreux,1919)<br />

= Euonyx talismani Chevreux,1919<br />

off SW Faeroes-off SW Ireland<br />

Kerguelenia Stebbing,1888<br />

K. borealis G.O. Sars,1895<br />

Hardangerfjord-N Norway<br />

Acidostoma Lilljeborg,1865<br />

A. nodiferum Stephensen,1923<br />

= Acidostoma obesum Auctores, non (Bate & Westwood,1861)<br />

= Acidostoma sarsi Lincoln,1979<br />

@ A. nodiferum occurs together with Actinostola callosa<br />

Öresund-Bohuslän-North Sea-W & N Norway-Iceland-?off SW Faeroes<br />

A. laticorne G.O. Sars,1879<br />

Arctic Seas, ?Roscoff<br />

A. obesum (Bate & Westwood,1861)<br />

= Acidostoma laticorne : Oldevig,1933, non G.O. Sars,1879<br />

= Acidostoma neglectum Dahl,1964<br />

@ Peachia hastata & Cereactis aurantiaca<br />

Kattegatt-North Sea-Br. Isles-NW France<br />

Socarnes Boeck,1871<br />

S. bidenticulatus (Bate,1858)<br />

N Norway-Arctic Seas-Jan Mayen-?Iceland<br />

S. vahli (Krøyer,1838)<br />

Haugesund-N Norway-Arctic Seas-NE Iceland<br />

S. erythrophthalmus Robertson,1892<br />

W Br. Isles<br />

Socarnopsis Chevreux,1911<br />

S. filicornis (Heller,1867)<br />

= Socarnopsis crenulatus Chevreux,1911<br />

Shetland, W Br. Isles<br />

Nannonyx G.O. Sars,1890<br />

N. goesii (Boeck,1871)<br />

North Sea<br />

N. spinimanus Walker,1895<br />

NE France & Br. Isles<br />

Menigrates Boeck,1871<br />

M. obtusifrons (Boeck,1861)<br />

Skagerrak-North Sea-W & N Norway-Arctic Seas-Iceland-Br. Isles-Guernsey<br />

Menigratopsis Dahl,1945<br />

M. svennilssoni Dahl,1945<br />

Öresund-North Sea<br />

Tetronychia Stephensen,1923<br />

T. abyssalis Stephensen,1923<br />

off S Iceland<br />

Koroga Holmes,1909<br />

K. megalops Holmes,1909<br />

?off S Iceland-off S Alaska<br />

Centromedon G.O. Sars,1895<br />

C. pumilus (Lilljeborg,1865)<br />

Bohuslän-Skagerrak-W & N Norway-Arctic Seas & Iceland<br />

C. typhlops (G.O. Sars,1885)<br />

off NE Iceland-between Jan Mayen & Finnmark<br />

C. calcaratus (G.O. Sars,1885)<br />

between Iceland & Jan Mayen-Arctic Seas<br />

Ichnopus Costa,1853<br />

I. spinicornis Boeck,1861<br />

Bohuslän-Trondheim-North Sea-Br. Isles-Mediterranean<br />

Lysianassa Milne-Edwards,1830<br />

L. plumosa Boeck,1871<br />

Haugesund-Trondheim-Shetlands-Br. Isles-NW France-Senegal-Mediterranean<br />

L. ceratina (Walker,1889)<br />

W Br. Isles<br />

L. insperata Lincoln,1979<br />

Guernsey<br />

Hippomedon Boeck,1871<br />

H. holboelli (Krøyer,1846)<br />

Skagerrak, ?N Norway-Arctic Seas, e.g. N Greenland & Iceland-off N Faeroes<br />

H. denticulatus (Bate,1857)<br />

Öresund-Bohuslän-W & N Norway-Kolafjord-Shetlands-Br. Isles-Mediterranean<br />

H. propinquus G.O. Sars,1895<br />

?Bohuslän-Skagerrak-W & N Norway-Arctic Seas-Iceland<br />

H. robustus G.O. Sars,1895<br />

Skagerrak-W & N Norway-Iceland-Azores<br />

H. striolatus Stephensen,1923<br />

off SW Faeroes<br />

H. reticulatus Stephensen,1923<br />

off SW Faeroes<br />

H. nasutus Stephensen,1923<br />

off SW Iceland<br />


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