NEAT*Crustacea - TMBL

NEAT*Crustacea - TMBL

NEAT*Crustacea - TMBL


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@ unknown<br />

* Not mentioned by Gotto,1993<br />

off SW Iceland<br />

E. brementi Illg & Dudley,1980<br />

@ Aplidium pallidum (Verrill)<br />

N France<br />

E. africanus López-González, Conradi & García-Gómez,1993<br />

@ Synoicum sp.<br />

Gibraltar area<br />

E. sp. B Chatton & Brément,1909<br />

@ unidentified ascidian<br />

Scotland<br />

Enteropsinae Aurivillius,1885<br />

@ Ascidians<br />

Mychophilus Hesse,1865<br />

= Mycophilus : Auctt.<br />

= Mychephilus : Canu,1892<br />

= Michophilus : Chatton & Harant,1922<br />

M. roseus Hesse,1865 ()<br />

= M. pachygaster Hesse,1865<br />

= M. curvatus Chatton & Brément,1909<br />

= M. rosovula Gray,1933<br />

= Enteropsis vararensis T. Scott,1901<br />

@ Botryllus schlosseri (Pallas) & Botrylloides leachii (Savigny)<br />

Bohuslän-W Norway-Br. Isles-Ireland-W France-Mediterranean<br />

Enteropsis Aurivillius,1885<br />

E. sphinx Aurivillius,1885 ()<br />

= Haligryps aculeatus Aurivillius,1885<br />

@ Molgula manhattensis (De Kay) & Dendrodoa grossularia (van Beneden)<br />

* Not mentioned by Gotto,1993<br />

Siberian Arctic, Alaska<br />

E. roscoffensis Chatton & Brément,1909<br />

@ Dendrodoa grossularia (van Beneden), Pyura microcosmus (Savigny) & Tethyum savignyi<br />

W Ireland,Plymouth, N France-Mediterranean, NW USA<br />

E. chattoni Monniot,1961<br />

@ Microcosmus vulgaris Heller, Halocynthia papillata (Linnaeus) & Diazona violacea Savigny<br />

S England, Mediterranean<br />

E. pilosus Canu,1886<br />

@ Diazona violacea<br />

* Excluded from the genus in the revision by Illg & Dudley,1980. Not mentioned by Gotto,1993.<br />

W France<br />

Haplostominae Chatton & Harant,1924<br />

Haplostoma (Canu,1886)<br />

= Aplostoma Canu,1886, non Mouquin-Tandon,1856<br />

= Cryptopodus Hesse,1865<br />

= Tranestoma Wilson,1924<br />

= Haplostoma Chatton & Brément,1915<br />

H. brevicauda (Canu,1886) ()<br />

@ Synoicum pulmonaria, Polyclinum aurantium, Sidnyum turbinatum, Morchellium argus & Aplidium<br />

nordmanni<br />

Bohuslän-W Norway-E England-NE & SW Ireland-N France<br />

H. eruca (Norman,1869)<br />

@ Ciona intestinalis<br />

Oslofjord-Shetlands-E Scotland-NE Ireland<br />

H. banyulensis Brément,1909<br />

@ Trididemnum tenerum & Didemnum maculosum<br />

NE Ireland, French Mediterranean<br />

H. canui Chatton & Harant,1924<br />

@ Polyclinum aurantium<br />

W France<br />

H. mizoulei Monniot,1962<br />

@ stomach of the small intestinal form of Sidnyum turbinatum<br />

SW Ireland, Mediterranean<br />

Haplostomides Chatton & Harant,1924<br />

H. scotti Chatton & Harant,1924 ()<br />

@ Polyclinum aurantium<br />

NE Ireland-N France<br />

H. hibernicus (T. & A. Scott,1895)<br />

@ Polyclinum aurantium<br />

NE & SW Ireland-N France<br />

?H. beaumonti (T. & A. Scott,1895)<br />

=Enterocola beaumonti T. & A. Scott,1895<br />

@ unknown ascidian<br />

* Considered as Haplostominae, sp. incertae sedis, by Ooishi & Illg,1977. Not mentioned by Gotto,1993.<br />

Ireland (Valencia)<br />

Haplosaccus Chatton & Harant,1924<br />

H. sacculus (Chatton & Brément,1910) ()<br />

@ ?<br />

* Not mentioned by Gotto,1993<br />

?Britain<br />

Haplostomella Chatton & Harant,1924<br />

= Rhabdomorpha Fukui,1965 ( R. halocynthiae Fukui,1965 (Japan))<br />

H. malacocera Chatton & Harant,1924 ()<br />

@ ?<br />

* Not mentioned by Gotto,1993<br />

?<br />

Botryllophilinae Illg & Dudley,1980<br />

@ Ascidians<br />

Botryllophilus Hesse,1864<br />

= Kossmechthrus Della Valle,1883 ( K. notopus Della Valle,1883)<br />

= Blakeanus Wilson,1921 ( B. corniger Wilson,1921)<br />

B. ruber Hesse,1864 ()<br />

@ Botryllus stchlosseri, Botrylloides leachi, Aplidium punctum, Morchellium argus, Sidnyum spp.,<br />

Synoicum pulmonaria & Clavelina lepadiformis<br />

14<br />

* This taxon is problematic and need revision. According to Gotto,1993 probably several species have been<br />

lumped in this taxon.<br />

?Bohuslän-?W Norway-?Arctic Seas-?Br. Isles-?Engl. Channel-Brest-?Mediterranean<br />

B. brevipes G.O. Sars,1921<br />

non = B. brevipes Brément,1909<br />

* may possibly be a synonyme of B. bergensis Schellenberg,1921<br />

@ Botryllus sp.<br />

Bergen<br />

B. macropus Canu,1891<br />

@ Lithonephria eugyranda Giard<br />

France (Wimereux)<br />

B. bergensis Schellenberg,1921<br />

@ Leptoclinides faeroensis (Bjerkan)<br />

* Not mentioned by Gotto,1993.<br />

Bergen<br />

B. norvegicus Schellenberg,1921<br />

= Blakeanus corniger Wilson,1921<br />

= Blakeanus groenlandicus Hansen,1923<br />

@ Pelonaia corrugata Goodsir, Cynthia carnea Verrill & Cynthia rustica Linnaeus<br />

* Not mentioned by Gotto,1993.<br />

Trondheim-W Greenland-Long Island<br />

B. aspinosus Schellenberg,1922<br />

@ Polycarpa pomaria (Savigny) & Styela hupferi Michaelsen<br />

* Not mentioned by Gotto,1993.<br />

Plymouth, Angola<br />

B. virescens Hesse,1864<br />

* indeterminable. Sp. obl.<br />

@ ?<br />

Brest<br />

Schizoproctinae Aurivillius,1887<br />

* Neither family nor genus is mentioned by Gotto,1993.<br />

Schizoproctus Aurivillius,1885<br />

= Pteropygus G.O. Sars,1921<br />

S. inflatus Aurivillius,1885 ()<br />

@ Ascidia obliqua and other ascidians<br />

N Norway-Spitsbergen-Arctic Seas-E Greenland<br />

S.vestitus (G.O. Sars,1921)<br />

= Pteropygus vestitus G.O. Sars,1921<br />

@ Ascidia obliqua<br />

S Norway (Risør)<br />

Enterognathinae Illg & Dudley,1980<br />

Enterognathus Giesbrecht,1900<br />

E. comatulae Giesbrecht,1900 ()<br />

@ guts of ?Antedon mediterranea Lamarck, ?A. rosacea (Linck) & A. bifida (Pennant)<br />

E Scotland, E Ireland, Hebrides,Plymouth,Mediterranean<br />


Lernaeidae Cobbold,1879<br />

* Only fresh-water species recognized from Scandinavia<br />

@ Fish<br />

POECILOSTOMATOIDA Thorell,1859<br />

Lateracanthus ??,1???<br />

* Which family?<br />

L. quadripedis ??,1???<br />

@ Coryphaenoides rupestris<br />

NW Atlantic<br />

L. curtus Kabata, 1993<br />

@ Macrourus<br />

NE Atlantic<br />

Bomolochidae Sumpf,1871<br />

@ Fish<br />

Bomolochus von Nordmann,1832<br />

@ Marine Teleosts<br />

B. soleae Claus,1864 ()<br />

@ in the nose of Solea solea<br />

Helgoland-Holland-Belgium-W France-Mediterranean<br />

B. bellones Burmeister,1835 ( of Parabomolochus Vervoort,1962)<br />

@ Belonidae<br />

Helgoland-Br. Isles-Mediterranean<br />

Holobomolochus Vervoort,1969 ( H. nothrus (Wilson,1913))<br />

H. confusus (Stock,1953)<br />

= Bomolochus soleae : T. Scott,1893 & : Auctt., non Claus,1864<br />

@ nasal capsules of Gadidae, Conger, Cyclopterus & Labrus bergylta<br />

Bohuslän-North Sea-Br. Isles-Eur. Atlantic<br />

Taeniacanthidae Wilson,1911<br />

@ Fish, chiefly teleosts & Echinosocius Humes & Cressey,1959 & Echinirus Humes & Cressey,1959 on<br />

Echinoderms<br />

Taeniacanthus Sumpf,1871 ( T. carchariae Sumpf,1871)<br />

= Anchistrotos Brian,1906<br />

T. wilsoni A. Scott,1929<br />

@ Raja fullonica, R. montagui & ?R. naevus<br />

Irish Sea, Falmouth Bay & Yorkshire<br />

T. lucipetus (Holmes,1985)<br />

= Anchistrotos lucipetus Holmes,1985<br />

@ ?<br />

Ireland<br />

T. onosi (T. Scott,1902)<br />

= Bomolochus onosi T. Scott,1902<br />

@ Ciliata mustela, C. septentrionalis & Rhinonemus cimbrius<br />

Shetlands-Scotland<br />

T. laqueus (Leigh-Sharpe,1935)<br />

= Anchistrotos laqueus Leigh-Sharpe,1935<br />

= Anchistrotos hamatus Rounds,1960<br />

@ Ciliata mustela, Serranus cabrilla & S. scriba

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