Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 32 -- To Cross the Styx<br />

Here Charon stopped his soliloquy and his boat simultaneously. As he rounded one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

many turns in the river a singular object met his gaze, and one, too, that filled him with<br />

misgiving. It was another craft, and that was a thing not to be tolerated. Had he, Charon,<br />

owned the exclusive right <strong>of</strong> way on the Styx all these years to have it disputed here in the<br />

closing decade <strong>of</strong> the Nineteenth Century?<br />

The ferryman fears the arrival <strong>of</strong> a houseboat, one bearing everyone that's ever died, will put him<br />

out <strong>of</strong> business, but finds out that he's actually to be appointed the boat's janitor.<br />

What follow are stories set on the houseboat, what<br />

might transpire if departed notables were put in the<br />

same room. We meet Sir Walter Raleigh, Cassius,<br />

Demosthenes, Blackstone, Confucius,<br />

Shakespeare, Washington, Baron Munchausen,<br />

Confucius, Napoleon, Diogenes, Ptolemy, Boswell,<br />

Columbus, Cicero, Henry VIII, Doctor Johnson,<br />

Doctor Livingstone, Samson, Darwin, Mozart,<br />

Tennyson, Thackeray, Burns, Homer, Carlyle,<br />

Noah, Adam, P.T. Barnum, Queen Elizabeth and<br />

Ophelia!<br />

The Odyssean Charon, however, had no such erudite sailing, as evidenced by the spirit's<br />

astonishment that Odysseus could have crossed to Hades from the land <strong>of</strong> the living. “For in<br />

between lie the great rivers and terrible waters that flow, Ocean first <strong>of</strong> all.” What Bangs got right<br />

was the fact that the houseboat passengers were all quite deceased.<br />

As we haven't the space to quote from the rest <strong>of</strong> our Stygian library, we'll just show the covers.<br />

Lawrence Daniel Fogg, Shady<br />

Sinners <strong>of</strong> the Styx (1906)<br />

Louis Trimble, Cargo for the<br />

Styx (1961)<br />

DRAFT 1122//66//22001122<br />

Hans Jorgen Lembourn,<br />

Hotel Styx (1964)<br />

Uppddaatteess aatt hhttttpp::////www. .uunnm. .eedduu//~rrhheeggggeenn//UnnddeerrggrroouunnddRi ivveerrss. .hhttml l<br />


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