Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 30 -- Down to a Sunless Sea<br />

the path was a river <strong>of</strong> smooth, dark water that ran in under the gate in the palace wall and all<br />

around the buildings behind the wall. A lifted drawbridge hovered over the water.<br />

"Oh, my," Dov said.<br />

And Rivka breathed,<br />

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan<br />

A stately pleasure dome decree:<br />

Where Alph, the sacred river, ran<br />

Through caverns measureless to man<br />


Divine Madness: Archetypes <strong>of</strong> Romantic Love (2010) by John R. Haule, on the other hand,<br />

brings us back to introspection.<br />

Alph, the sacred river, runs<br />

Through caverns measureless to man<br />


It is the source <strong>of</strong> our deepest unconscious longings and images. When it is "flung up<br />

momently" to the surface, consciousness becomes flooded with its primordial darkness -- but<br />

also with the long hidden mysterious <strong>of</strong> that underworld <strong>of</strong> the psyche.<br />

In Nature Mysticism: A Guide (2010), J. Edward Mercer argues for transcendence.<br />

But are such experiences possible for the modern mind? Yes, if we can pierce through the<br />

varied disguises which the institutional material assumes as times and manners change.<br />

Coleridge, for example, is thrown into a deep sleep by an anodyne. His imagination takes<br />

wings to itself; images rise up before him, and, without conscious effort, find verbal equivalents.<br />

The enduring substance <strong>of</strong> the vision is embedded in the fragment, "Kubla Kahn," the glamour<br />

<strong>of</strong> which depends chiefly on the mystical appeal <strong>of</strong> subterranean waters. We are transported<br />

where<br />

Alph, the sacred river, ran<br />

Through caverns measureless to man,<br />


These three lines make deeper impression than any others in the poem, and form its main<br />

theme.<br />

Nor is the feeling <strong>of</strong> the supernatural unrecognized. Spirits are near with prophetic promptings.<br />

From a deep ocean the sacred river throws up a mighty fountain, and for a short space<br />

wanders through wood and dale, only to plunge again into its measureless caverns, and sink in<br />

tumult to a lifeless ocean.<br />

And again back to pulp fiction. From A Dance with Dragons (2011) by George R.R. Martin,<br />

The caves are timeless, vast silent. They were the home to more than three score living singer<br />

and the bones <strong>of</strong> thousands dead, and extended far below the hollow hill. "Men should not go<br />

wandering in this place," Leaf warned them. "The river you hear is swift and black, and flows<br />

DOWN TO A SUNLESS SEA. And there are passages that go even deeper, bottomless pits<br />

and sudden shafts, forgotten ways that lead to the very center <strong>of</strong> the earth."<br />

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