Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 30 -- Down to a Sunless Sea<br />

The Order <strong>of</strong> the Ages: World History in the Light <strong>of</strong> a Universal<br />

Cosmogony (2001) by Robert Bolton and Charles Upton tends<br />

toward the occult.<br />

Consequently, this ontological movement has its reverberation<br />

in the subconscious mind, where it well may have inspired<br />

Coleridge's lines:<br />

Where Alph, the sacred river, ran<br />

Through caverns measureless to man<br />


The "sunless sea" would therefore be the material world in<br />

which the Forms reach their final level <strong>of</strong> instruction. The<br />

more usual interpretation, that is an allusion to the river <strong>of</strong><br />

Paradise manifested, in a relative sense at least, the fount <strong>of</strong><br />

realities which make up this world.<br />

Gravelight (2003) by Marion Zimmer Bradley includes,<br />

DOWN TO A SUNLESS SEA. The phrase circled around inside Wycherly's brain as if it were<br />

the answer to all Life's riddles. DOWN TO THE SUNLESS SEA... It was a line from a poem,<br />

but he no longer remembered which one.<br />

He hadn't brought the flashlight, but it didn't matter. His hand trailed along the curving rock<br />

wall, and Wycherly moved slowly, inexorably, down the stairs. DOWN TO A SUNLESS SEA.<br />

All he could hear was water: tricking, roaring, gushing, purling on from nowhere to nowhere,<br />

down here in the dark. Tickling scraps <strong>of</strong> spider webs brushed his face, and he batted them<br />

away absently.. DOWN TO A SUNLESS SEA. He did not have to ask where he was going --<br />

he knew.<br />

For dire maritime statistics, we have Sinking <strong>of</strong> the Titanic and<br />

Great Sea Disasters (2004) by Logan Marshall.<br />

As long ago as 1841, the steamer President, with 120 people<br />

aboard, crossing from <strong>New</strong> York to Liverpool in March,<br />

vanished from human ken. In 1854, in the same month, the<br />

City <strong>of</strong> Glasgow left Liverpool for Philadelphia with 480 souls,<br />

and was never again heard <strong>of</strong>. In February, 1856, the Pacific,<br />

from Liverpool fro <strong>New</strong> York, carrying 185 persons, passed<br />

away DOWN TO A SUNLESS SEA. In May 1870, the City <strong>of</strong><br />

Boston, from that port for Liverpool, mustering 191 souls, met<br />

a similar fate.<br />

Bedlam's Edge (2005) by Mercedes Lackeyand and Rosemary Edghill returns us to the surreal.<br />

Ahead, silver stones were laid into a smooth, broad oath, and the path led to what must be a<br />

palace, although that could not bee seen through the intricate metal gates <strong>of</strong> a high wall was a<br />

fantastic Arabian Nights entrance, and above the walls dozens <strong>of</strong> gold-domed minarets. Along<br />

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