Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 3 -- Roman Encyclopedists<br />

The table below illustrates the spectrum <strong>of</strong> speculation about the Nile.<br />

Reported Disappearance Reported Reappearance<br />

The Antichthon (the opposite hemisphere) Ethiopia<br />

Three North African streams Spring on Mt. Atlas<br />

The Euphrates in a Mesopotamian marsh The Nile beyond Ethiopia<br />

Crocodile-infested lake, Mauretania, W. Africa Nile headwaters in 20 days<br />

The Nile in a highland lake Lower Ethiopia<br />

The Nile Inopus in Delos, a sacred island in the<br />

Cyclades<br />

Lake Moeris, Nile Valley Fountain <strong>of</strong> Apollo, Cyrene, Libya, or<br />

alternatively, in Sidra<br />

The Fountain <strong>of</strong> Apollo still gushes from a<br />

tunnel hewn into rock as it did before the birth<br />

<strong>of</strong> Christ.<br />

Publius Vergilius Maro (70-19 BC) is better known as Virgil.<br />

Although his Georgics (29 BC) refers to rivers which issue from<br />

caverns as homes to Nymphs, we include this Roman in our<br />

study <strong>of</strong> underground rivers for his contribution <strong>of</strong> the Aeneid<br />

(19 BC), a tale written in praise <strong>of</strong> the Roman state.<br />

Unlike the encyclopedic works we've cataloged above, the<br />

Aeneid is but a story. But in with the encyclopedic works, it's<br />

not particularly original. In fact, it's but a re-spin <strong>of</strong>... -- well,<br />

take a guess.<br />

The Aeneid begins with Aeneas' escape during the Trojan War<br />

and follows his descent into an underworld <strong>of</strong> river familiar to<br />

us. And whom do we meet? Charon, the curmudgeonly<br />

ferryman!<br />

That will be two obols, sir.<br />

The Aeneid parallels the Odyssey in structure, Romanizes the characters and expands upon the<br />

incidents, but it's Homer's saga. Here's Virgil's Charon in verse.<br />

There Charon stands, who rules the dreary coast --<br />

A sordid god, down from his hairy chin<br />

A length <strong>of</strong> beard descends, uncombed, unclean;<br />

His eyes, like hollow furnaces on fire;<br />

A girdle, foul with grease, binds his obscene attire.<br />

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