Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 28 -- Et In Arcadia Ego<br />

The historian Timaios, on the other hand, pr<strong>of</strong>essed to have personally verified that the fountain<br />

Arethusa was the reappeared Alpheus.<br />

It was likewise said that the Fountain <strong>of</strong> Arethusa turned red after sacrifices at Olympia and that<br />

anything lost in the Alpheus eventually would be found in Syracuse.<br />

Arethusa<br />

Fountain<br />

The Sicilian termination <strong>of</strong> the River Alpheus brings to mind da Vinci's speculation.<br />

A spring may be seen to rise in Sicily which at certain times <strong>of</strong> the year throws out chestnut<br />

leaves in quantities; but in Sicily chestnuts do not grow, hence it is evident that that spring must<br />

issue from some abyss in Italy and then flow beneath the sea to break forth in Sicily.<br />

Da Vinci was mistaken regarding Sicilian trees, however. The chestnut is abundant from<br />

southern Europe to the Caucasus and occurs on many Mediterranean islands. Perhaps da Vinci<br />

(an innovative speller) meant Cilicia, the Mediterranean region south <strong>of</strong> the Taurus Mountains.<br />

Lost rivers <strong>of</strong> that region were indeed mentioned in works <strong>of</strong> which Leonardo would have been<br />

aware.<br />

As a brief aside, we should note that subterranean-transported flora would long remain <strong>of</strong><br />

interest. The Gallery <strong>of</strong> Nature (1882), Thomas Milner (Chapter 10) is precise on the matter.<br />

At Tours, in 1830, a well was perforated quite through the chalk, when the water suddenly<br />

brought up from a depth <strong>of</strong> three hundred and sixty-four feet, a great quantity <strong>of</strong> fine sand, with<br />

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River<br />

Alpheus<br />

The Arethusa Fountain on the<br />

island <strong>of</strong> Ortygia in Syracuse,<br />

Sicily<br />

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