Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 28 -- Et In Arcadia Ego<br />

The Alpheus, the peninsula's longest waterway, is mapped below in light blue; the southerly River<br />

Eurotas is in darker blue.<br />

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River Alpheus<br />

The red rectangle corresponds to Chapter 3's topographic map <strong>of</strong> modern rivers associated in<br />

name with those <strong>of</strong> the classical underground. The blue rectangle shows the headwater proximity<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Alpheus and Eurotas. The Olympic symbol marks the town by that name and the green<br />

arrow, the Alpheus outflow.<br />

Headwaters<br />

The aerial photo below corresponds to the blue rectangle above and shows approximate<br />

locations cited in four writings describing the Alpheus headwaters. We must be cautious,<br />

however, in connecting the dots, as geographic names have migrated over the centuries. We're<br />

more interested in cultural perceptions than actual plumbing.<br />

Alpheus in Arcadia<br />

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For the source material in this chapter, we'll draw from several <strong>of</strong> the Roman Encyclopedists <strong>of</strong><br />

Chapter 3.<br />

In Geogrpahia, Strabo (63 BC-24 AD) stated that the Alpheus and Eurotas rise from two fountains<br />

near Asea, and that, after flowing underground for several stadia [one stadia equals 150-200<br />

meters], the Eurotas reappears at Bleminatis in Laconia, and the Alpheus in Arcadia.<br />

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<br />

<br />

Eurotas in<br />

Laconia<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Megalopoli<br />

Mt. Tzimbaru<br />

Rhapsonati<br />

Asea<br />

Pegse<br />

Bleminatis<br />

Lake Taki<br />

Tegea<br />

Symbola<br />

Sarandapotamo<br />

Phylace<br />


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