Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 27 -- Virtualizing the Imagined: <strong>Underground</strong> River Games<br />

Compare Kircher's mapping <strong>of</strong> subterranean flow to the Dungeons & Dragons board Descent into<br />

the Depths <strong>of</strong> the Earth.<br />

Who but Kircher would have foreseen the future with such precision?<br />

In The Adventurers, Temple <strong>of</strong> Chac,<br />

there’s a lava room to cross on tiles, some<br />

booby-trapped. There’s an underground<br />

river to escape from the temple, or to quick<br />

demise over a treacherous waterfall.<br />

Not all fantasy games are sedentary. NERO is a live action role-playing event set the medieval<br />

fantasy world <strong>of</strong> Tyrra in which heroes and heroines battle necromancers, goblins, zombies and<br />

other unsavories.<br />

A singe event can take a three-day weekend.<br />

DRAFT 1122//66//22001122<br />

In the portion <strong>of</strong> the game-field<br />

above, note the underground river<br />

leading to the sea.<br />

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