Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 26 -- Subterranean Water Bodies<br />

For two hundred and fifty miles our prospector bore us through the crust beneath our outer<br />

world. At that point it reached the center <strong>of</strong> gravity <strong>of</strong> the five-hundred-mile-thick crust. Up to<br />

that point we had been descending -- direction is, <strong>of</strong> course, merely relative. Then at the<br />

moment that our seats revolved -- the thing that made you believe that we had turned about<br />

and were speeding upward -- we passed the center <strong>of</strong> gravity and, though we did not alter the<br />

direction <strong>of</strong> our progress, yet we were in reality moving upward -- toward the surface <strong>of</strong> the<br />

inner world.<br />

Had Perry stopped lecturing, he'd have been close. The center <strong>of</strong> gravity <strong>of</strong> a hollow sphere's<br />

not, as he claims, half-way through its shell, but the experience <strong>of</strong> passing through a center <strong>of</strong><br />

gravity is reasonably portrayed.<br />

Unfortunately, Perry keeps lecturing.<br />

It is very simple, David. The earth was once a nebulous mass. It cooled, and as it cooled it<br />

shrank. At length a thin crust <strong>of</strong> solid matter formed upon its outer surface -- a sort <strong>of</strong> shell; but<br />

within it was partially molten matter and highly expanded gases. As it continued to cool, what<br />

happened? Centrifugal force burled the particles <strong>of</strong> the nebulous center toward the crust as<br />

rapidly as they approached a solid state. You have seen the same principle practically applied<br />

in the modern cream separator. Presently there was only a small super-heated core <strong>of</strong><br />

gaseous matter remaining within a huge vacant interior left by the contraction <strong>of</strong> the cooling<br />

gases. The equal attraction <strong>of</strong> the solid crust from all directions maintained this luminous core<br />

in the exact center <strong>of</strong> the hollow globe. What remains <strong>of</strong> it is the sun you saw today -- a<br />

relatively tiny thing at the exact center <strong>of</strong> the earth.<br />

Perry (a la Burroughs) has been to the library, we presume, as the central sun idea, we recall<br />

from Chapter 14, dates at least back to the 1700s.<br />

Ja, a subterranean, is a doubter.<br />

That is ridiculous, since, were it true, we should fall back were we to travel far in any direction,<br />

and all the waters <strong>of</strong> Pellucidar would run to one spot and drown us. No, Pellucidar is quite flat<br />

and extends no man knows how far in all directions. At the edges, so my ancestors have<br />

reported and handed down to me, is a great wall that prevents the earth and waters from<br />

escaping over into the burning sea whereon Pellucidar floats.<br />

You live upon the under side <strong>of</strong> Pellucidar, and walk always with your head pointed<br />

downward?... And were I to believe that, my friend, I should indeed be mad.<br />

An inventor's unrestrained babble vs. a local's staid provinciality. A humorous moment in<br />

Tarzan's territory, but we don't have to delve deep into our own history to find us arguing much<br />

the same positions.<br />

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