Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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We <strong>of</strong> course met Tarzan in Chapter 20,<br />

More Boys Club Serials, but let us<br />

reintroduce him as a character with comicstrip<br />

adventures not conceived by Edward<br />

Rice Burroughs. To the right, a frame from<br />

March 16, 1941.<br />

He fought his way to the underground<br />

channel which would lead to safety -- or<br />

death!<br />

Chapter 24 -- <strong>Underground</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> in the Comics<br />

Most typically, comics became TV shows, but in some cases, the order reversed.<br />

"Seeds <strong>of</strong> Destruction," The Avengers<br />

in TV Comic # 894, February 1969.<br />

Steed and Tara King find explorer Sir<br />

Edmund Whittington held prisoner in a<br />

cave. As the ro<strong>of</strong> begins to collapse,<br />

the three are trapped with an<br />

underground river before them, not a<br />

problem when Steed constructs a<br />

makeshift submarine from a barrel.<br />

These are but extraordinary human heroes, however, as they lack supernatural powers. The<br />

ones with extra endowments, the superheroes, that is, have their underground river challenges<br />

even more taxing.<br />

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