Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 2 -- Greek Philosophers<br />

Let us reduce Aristotle's thoughts to a schematic, a much enhanced <strong>of</strong> the earlier one done for<br />

Heraclitus.<br />

Evaporation<br />

Ocean<br />

Precipitation<br />

<strong>Rivers</strong><br />

Land<br />

Clouds<br />

Springs<br />

Mountain Caverns<br />

Aristotle's Hydrologic Cycle<br />

Had Greek thought continued to advance, we can only speculate that the scientific realizations <strong>of</strong><br />

the 17th century might have occurred much earlier. But were that the case, we'd be already<br />

approaching the end <strong>of</strong> our journey, and in counting the pages, we're not even close.<br />

In the first chapter, we floated through the Greek underworld with little hope or comprehension.<br />

The philosophers <strong>of</strong> this chapter haven't made our journey a pleasant excursion, but they've<br />

admirably argued for an underlying order to the flow.<br />

We keep in mind the nagging fact that in our journey so far, none <strong>of</strong> the pundits have themselves<br />

seen the waters <strong>of</strong> which we speak.<br />

Perhaps what we need are some able note-takers, scholars who'll help us find a pattern in the<br />

fluvial underground. With that in mind, let's go to Rome.<br />

DRAFT 1122//66//22001122<br />

Condensation<br />

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