Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 23 -- Girls, Too!<br />

Yep, I'm dying all right…there's the bright light I've heard about. I was being pulled straight<br />

toward a small glow in the distance as a feeling <strong>of</strong> peace began to take over. That peace didn't<br />

last long, though, as my ears picked up the deafening roar <strong>of</strong> a huge waterfall…a real one this<br />

time! I started paddling backwards as fast as possible but couldn't fight the current and started<br />

falling and falling and falling. Moments after I heard screams telling me that Cynthia was falling<br />

too, I landed face down in the water. Gathering the strength to look up, I couldn't believe my<br />

eyes. We were in a river outside the cave.<br />

In By the Monkey's Tail (2006) by Kerrie O'Connor, Lucy, Ricardo<br />

and their Telarian friends outwit the soldiers oppressing civilians in the<br />

world <strong>of</strong> Telares. The young protagonists battle an underground river,<br />

take part in a desperate chase and attempt a daring rescue.<br />

The Young City, The Unwritten Books (2008) by James Bow addresses that perplexing question,<br />

what happens when the future becomes the past? Rosemary and Peter fall into an underground<br />

river and are swept back in time, to Toronto in 1884. As the days turn to weeks, then months,<br />

they begin to wonder, what if they can never return? Then someone brings them a watch<br />

powered by a battery made in Taiwan!<br />

Valley <strong>of</strong> the Shadow: A Journey through Grief (2009) by Sybil Austin<br />

Skakle has a romantic theme, something no Boys Club would allow.<br />

The receding water's strong vortex sucked Cody backwards down<br />

the hole in the middle <strong>of</strong> the pond. One hand wavered above the<br />

water for a moment and then vanished.<br />

Otho walked back to the camel and got a length <strong>of</strong> rope. He called<br />

Norm over to his side. Before Norm knew what was happening, Otho<br />

had tied the rope around his waist.<br />

Orho looked down at him and said in his sternest voice, "Walk down<br />

to the edge <strong>of</strong> the hole and see if you can spot Cody."<br />

Norm slowly trudged forward. Slowly he waded through the mud until he reached the opening<br />

and cautiously looked down the hole. He yelled back over his shoulder, "It drops about thirty<br />

feet to a subterranean river which flows rapidly to the east, but there is no sign <strong>of</strong> Cody."<br />

Norm yelled, "Cody," a couple <strong>of</strong> times but there was no answer. He looked at the others and<br />

said, "He must have been washed away by the underground river. It looks fast."<br />

Kristi's brown eyes were desolate... She started crying, "I never even told him that I loved him!"<br />

Otho went over, put his arm around her, and said," Done worry, he'll be all right. You watch<br />

and see he's a survivor. He'll show up somewhere, somehow."<br />

Nevertheless, in his heart, Otho had his doubts.<br />

Even if he survived a thirty-foot fall, could he survive a turbulent underground river?<br />

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