Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 23 -- Girls, Too!<br />

Here's a synopsis <strong>of</strong> Cheryl Kaye Tardif's, The River (2005).<br />

Seven years past, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Anthropology Del Hawthorne’s<br />

father and three <strong>of</strong> her friends disappeared near Canada's<br />

Nahanni River. When one <strong>of</strong> the missing stumbles onto the<br />

university grounds, alive but barely recognizable and aging<br />

before her eyes, Del is shocked, and even more so when the<br />

man rambles about a secret river and time travel. Then he tells<br />

her that her father is still alive!<br />

Del travels to the Nahanni were she finds a secret channel that<br />

plunges into a subterranean technologically-advanced world <strong>of</strong><br />

nanobots and uncovers a conspiracy that threatens us all. Will<br />

humanity be sacrificed for the taste <strong>of</strong> eternal life?<br />

And then there's Mask in the Corridor (2006) by T.A. Chappel.<br />

The wooden floor creaked under her. There were a few loose<br />

boards and she could hear the sound <strong>of</strong> fast-moving water<br />

beneath her. Rapids? The underground river? she wondered.<br />

Suddenly, the floor below her split open and Jillian fell through<br />

screaming. She landed, scared stiff, on a suspended rope<br />

bridge, which was rotted in some places. She held on for dear<br />

life and looked down in horror at the swiftly moving dark river,<br />

illuminated by her halogen lamp. Petrified, her knuckles white<br />

from gripping the rope, she looked around the cave and could<br />

faintly see an outline <strong>of</strong> daylight streaming into the cave,<br />

farther down the river... Jillian looked ahead to see where the<br />

bridge led to, maybe she could crawl to the other side, but all<br />

she saw was just another dark tunnel and the rope bridge<br />

didn’t look very safe... Suddenly, she felt it move under her<br />

and got a better grip <strong>of</strong> it just in time as the rotted remains <strong>of</strong><br />

the bridge broke. She found herself swinging on a very thin<br />

cord forty feet above a swiftly moving river.<br />

The Boys Club may now be the Boys and Girls Club, but bad writing is still bad writing.<br />

The Magic Medallion (2006) by Mary Cunningham is a time travel adventure in which Cynthia<br />

and Gus are swept into an underground river while searching a Southern Indiana cave for a lost<br />

medallion. An excerpt:<br />

I went flailing into the water the split second Cynthia reached out to grab me. I couldn't see<br />

what happened to her, but the scream I heard and the following splash said it all.<br />

The current seemed to be moving faster and faster. I tried unsuccessfully to grab onto the<br />

rough ledge, but instead, I floated deeper and deeper into the cave.<br />

I helplessly tumbled over and over in the blackness and thought about the irony <strong>of</strong> the<br />

swimming trophies and scout badges I'd collected over the past three summers. Hmmmphh. A<br />

lot <strong>of</strong> good that did me!<br />

With every breath, I gulped more and more water. A feeling that I probably wasn't going to get<br />

out <strong>of</strong> this alive swept over me, and at the same time I wondered if Cynthia was faring any<br />

better. For some reason, it was comforting to know that she was probably going to drown with<br />

me...<br />

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