Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 22 -- Boys' Life<br />

Boy Scouts in <strong>Mexico</strong>, or On Guard with Uncle Sam (1911)<br />

Boy Scouts in the Canal Zone, or The Plot Against Uncle Sam (1911)<br />

Boy Scouts in the Philippines, or The Key to the Treaty Box (1911)<br />

Boy Scouts in a Motor Boat: or, Adventures on the Columbia River (1912)<br />

Boy Scouts in an Airship (1912)<br />

Boy Scouts on Motor Cycles (1912)<br />

Boy Scouts Beyond the Arctic Circle (1913)<br />

Boy Scouts in California (1913)<br />

Boy Scout Electricians, or The Hidden Dynamo (1913)<br />

Boy Scouts on Old Superior, or The Tale <strong>of</strong> the Pictured Rocks (1913)<br />

Boy Scouts on the Open Plains (1914)<br />

Boy Scouts in Southern Waters (1915)<br />

Boy Scouts on the Open Plains (1914)<br />

Boy Scouts in the North Sea (1915)<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the Scouts' underground river adventures.<br />

From Boy Scouts in <strong>Mexico</strong> (1911)<br />

"Water in wells comes from elevations before it gravitates to the bottom <strong>of</strong> the holes from which<br />

we pump it," Shaw declared, in defense <strong>of</strong> his suggestion. "There may be a reservoir here<br />

somewhere."<br />

From Boy Scouts in a Motor Boat (1912)<br />

Jimmie was not at all averse to a swim, for he did not know how cold the water <strong>of</strong> the<br />

underground stream was. So he tossed his light across, seized the end <strong>of</strong> the rope Jack had<br />

used on his return trip, and leaped in.<br />

Then his weakness made itself manifest, for he did not seem to have the power to force his way<br />

across in the face <strong>of</strong> the current. He hung on bravely, but made no progress. Jack threw <strong>of</strong>f<br />

his coat and, taking hold <strong>of</strong> the rope on his side, dropped in and drifted down to the struggling<br />

lad.<br />

From Boy Scout Electricians (1913),<br />

"Ned thinks there is an underground stream," Frank suggested, "and I move that we go find it<br />

while he is away."<br />

Almost before the words were out <strong>of</strong> his mouth, the boy switched on his flashlight and<br />

disappeared in the opening. Frank and Harry were at his heels in a moment, and the three<br />

went crawling down an incline <strong>of</strong> about thirty degrees on their hands and knees.<br />

Fifty feet or more from the opening they came to a chamber much larger than the cave in which<br />

they had stored the motor car. The flashlights showed a swift current lashing against broken<br />

boulders. A few paces below, the stream disappeared entirely, falling over a precipice with a<br />

sound which, in that confined space, reminded one <strong>of</strong> thunder.<br />

"Say!" Jimmie shouted, speaking in Frank's ear in order that his words might be understood<br />

above the roar <strong>of</strong> the water, "they've set the stream at work down there and they've forgotten<br />

their oil can. Don't you hear the machinery creaking?"<br />

From the depths <strong>of</strong> the stream somewhere below its plunge into unknown regions came the<br />

sharp, insistent creaking <strong>of</strong> an improperly cared for shaft. It sounded to the boys like the nervetorturing<br />

screeches heard from the primitive horse cars in <strong>New</strong> York.<br />

Frank sat down flat upon the ledge and turned his flashlight toward the point where the stream<br />

disappeared.<br />

"We've got it!" he cried; "we've got it! If anybody should ask you, there's the hidden dynamo<br />

right down there, under that current!"<br />

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