Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 21 -- Boys Club Singles<br />

"If I'm not much mistaken," judged the engineer, "that tremendous maelstrom near the site <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>New</strong> Haven -- the cataract that almost got us, just after we started out -- has something very<br />

vital to do with this situation."<br />

"In that case, and if there's a way for water to come down, why mayn't there be a way for us to<br />

climb up? Who knows?"<br />

King <strong>of</strong> the Khyber Rifles (1916) by Talbot Mundy was "the most picturesque romance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

decade," according to its press, although Boys Clubs would have been more taken by the<br />

adventure.<br />

There was only one wild scream that went echoing and re-echoing to the ro<strong>of</strong>. There was<br />

scarcely a splash, and no extra ripple at all. No heads came up again to gasp. No fingers<br />

clutched at the surface. The fearful speed <strong>of</strong> the river sucked them under, to grind and churn<br />

and pound them through the long caverns underground and hurl them at last over the great<br />

cataract toward the middle <strong>of</strong> the world.<br />

Rex Stout, Under the Andes (1914) tells <strong>of</strong> brothers and Desiree Le Mire, the most desirable<br />

woman in the world, who daringly enter a cave that takes them deep below the Andes.<br />

"But where are we? What happened? My head is dizzy -- I don't know --"<br />

I gripped his hand.<br />

"'Tis hardly an every-day occurrence to ride an underground river several miles under the<br />

Andes. Above us a mountain four miles high, beneath us a bottomless lake, round us<br />

darkness. Not a very cheerful prospect, Hal; but, thank Heaven, we take it together!<br />

"Keep your nerve. As for a way out -- at the rate that stream descends it must have carried us<br />

thousands <strong>of</strong> feet beneath the mountain. There is probably a mile <strong>of</strong> solid rock between us and<br />

the sunshine. You felt the strength <strong>of</strong> that current; you might as well try to swim up Niagara."<br />

We dragged ourselves somehow ever onward. We found water; the mountain was<br />

honeycombed with underground streams; but no food. More than once we were tempted to<br />

trust ourselves to one <strong>of</strong> those rushing torrents, but what reason we had left told us that our<br />

little remaining strength was unequal to the task <strong>of</strong> keeping our heads above the surface. And<br />

yet the thought was sweet -- to allow ourselves to be peacefully swept into oblivion.<br />

Nature is not yet ready for man in those wild regions. Huge upheavals and convulsions are <strong>of</strong><br />

continual occurrence; underground streams are known which rise in the eastern Cordillera and<br />

emerge on the side <strong>of</strong> the Pacific slope. And air circulates through these passages as well as<br />

water.<br />

I lay on a narrow ledge <strong>of</strong> rock at the entrance to a huge cavern. Not two feet below rushed the<br />

stream which had carried me; it came down through an opening in the wall at a sharp angle<br />

with tremendous velocity, and must have hurled me like a cork from its foaming surface.<br />

Below, it emptied into a lake which nearly filled the cavern, some hundreds <strong>of</strong> yards in<br />

diameter. Rough boulders and narrow ledges surrounded it on every side.<br />

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