Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Luis Senarens<br />

Chapter 20 -- More Boys Club Serials<br />

Jack Wright was the Edisonade hero <strong>of</strong> the 121-volume<br />

Victorian dime novel series written by Luis Senarens, the<br />

"American Jules Verne." A few Jack Wright stories were also<br />

credited to Francis W. Doughty.<br />

Senarens also popularized the Frank Reade dime novel<br />

series, having taken the reins from Harry Enton, the<br />

pseudonym <strong>of</strong> Harold Cohen. Who wrote what gets a bit<br />

confusing.<br />

Senarens took Reade’s exploits to Antarctica, Australia,<br />

Central America, Central Asia, the jungles <strong>of</strong> Africa, inside the<br />

hollow earth and even the edge <strong>of</strong> space. Reade inventions<br />

included electric locomotives, one-person battery-powered<br />

electric flying suits, "electric cannons" (pneumatic machine<br />

guns), an instant camera, motorcycle-like bicycle cars, armed<br />

and armored all-terrain omnibuses, chariot-like "electric<br />

phaetons" and yachts that could travel underwater.<br />

Jules Verne's influence in apparent in Senarens' titles, the ones about underground waters listed<br />

below.<br />

Frank Reade, Jr., Exploring an <strong>Underground</strong> River with his Submarine Boat (1892)<br />

Six Weeks in the Great Whirlpool (1893)<br />

100 Miles Below the Surface <strong>of</strong> the Sea (1894)<br />

Lost in the Great Undertow (1894)<br />

The <strong>Underground</strong> Sea (1894)<br />

Over the South Pole (1895)<br />

1,000 Fathoms Deep (1895)<br />

7,000 Miles <strong>Underground</strong> (1895)<br />

50,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1895)<br />

The Black Whirlpool (1895)<br />

Lost in the Polar Circle (1896)<br />

For Six Weeks Buried in a Deep Sea Cave (1894)<br />

Wrecked at the Pole, or Jack Wright's Daring Adventures in the Frozen Sea (1896)<br />

Reade slaughters Indians and Africans by the thousands and loots whatever's not nailed down.<br />

Irish, Afro-American, Jews and Mexicans are all met with ridicule. Senarens was a low point <strong>of</strong><br />

American popular fiction.<br />

Alpheus Hyatt Verrill<br />

Verrill enjoyed callings other than pulp fiction, one as natural history editor <strong>of</strong> Webster's<br />

International Dictionary, another as inventor <strong>of</strong> the autochrome process <strong>of</strong> natural-color<br />

photography. Of Verrill's more than 100 fictional works, we've the four-volume Boy Adventurers<br />

series, and with a given name as Arcadian as "Alpheus," the author <strong>of</strong> course had his Boy<br />

Adventurers discover underground rivers.<br />

In The Boy Adventurers in the Land <strong>of</strong> the Monkey Men (1923), Fred, Harry, and Dr. Woodward,<br />

visiting British Guiana in search <strong>of</strong> a radium deposit, are taken captive by bush negroes. On<br />

escaping they find themselves in a valley inhabited by black-skinned, flat-footed, broad-faced,<br />

mop-haired giants. The king <strong>of</strong> the giants, however, is treacherous, and it is only by luck that the<br />

explorers survive his schemes. Woodward teaches the savages how to make rude stone tools<br />

and weapons. Making their escape through an underground river, they continue on their search<br />

for radium.<br />

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