Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Zane Grey<br />

Chapter 20 -- More Boys Club Serials<br />

Some may uphold Zane Grey as a literary artesian, but others would argue that his works are<br />

Boys Club fodder, just for older boys. Both Gray and Louis L’Amour churned out roughly 100<br />

volumes, generally <strong>of</strong> the cowboy genre, but as L’Amour came no closer to underground rivers<br />

than Callaghen (1972), advertized to be about following an "underground river <strong>of</strong> gold," clearly<br />

metaphorical, we'll not count Louis.<br />

Gray, on the other hand, employed a physical underground river in Desert Gold (1913).<br />

The time was near the end <strong>of</strong> the dry season. Perhaps an underground stream flowed from the<br />

range behind down to the valley floor, and at this point came near to the surface. Cameron had<br />

heard <strong>of</strong> such desert miracles.<br />

He was just in time to see the last <strong>of</strong> the water. It seemed to sink as in quicksand. The shape<br />

<strong>of</strong> the hole had changed. The tremendous force <strong>of</strong> the blast in the adjoining field had<br />

obstructed or diverted the underground stream <strong>of</strong> water.<br />

Suddenly he again heard the dull roar <strong>of</strong> falling water. It seemed to have cleared itself <strong>of</strong><br />

muffled vibrations. Yaqui mounted a little ridge and halted. The next instant Gale stood above<br />

a bottomless cleft into which a white stream leaped. His astounded gaze swept backward<br />

along this narrow swift stream to its end in a dark, round, boiling pool. It was a huge spring, a<br />

bubbling well, the outcropping <strong>of</strong> an underground river coming down from the vast plateau<br />

above.<br />

Following are the pertinent panels from Desert Gold's comic book version. We could have thus<br />

saved Gray for Chapter 24, <strong>Underground</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> in the Comics, but that would truly infuriate Gray<br />

devotees. In deference to Gray's hard-cover credentials, we include an advertisement for his<br />

complete works.<br />

"Desert Gold"<br />

Zane Grey Comics # 467<br />

May-June 1953<br />

DRAFT 1122//66//22001122<br />

1951 Zane Grey Book Offer<br />

Uppddaatteess aatt hhttttpp::////www. .uunnm. .eedduu//~rrhheeggggeenn//UnnddeerrggrroouunnddRi ivveerrss. .hhttml l<br />


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