Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 20 -- More Boys Club Serials<br />

"And what happened to us, Ned? Didn't the current drag us into a hole in the cliff?"<br />

"Yes," said Ned, "that's it exactly, and we are now in an underground cavern. Don't be<br />

alarmed," he added quickly, noting the sudden pallor on his companion's face, "our situation is<br />

not so terrible after all. Caverns <strong>of</strong> this sort are always found among limestone hills, and they<br />

usually have two outlets. This one is no exception to the rule, and I'll tell you why I think so. In<br />

the first place you must remember that the creek was nearly four feet high before that dam<br />

broke. The extra volume <strong>of</strong> water is what makes this terrific current through the cavern and the<br />

very fact that the water goes on through without damming up proves to me that it has an outlet."<br />

Without a ray <strong>of</strong> light to guide them it would be a difficult matter to find the main channel <strong>of</strong> the<br />

stream again, and follow it to the outlet which must certainly exist. There was danger <strong>of</strong> falling<br />

into deep holes, <strong>of</strong> striking sharp rocks, or blundering into other side passages with which the<br />

cavern was doubtless honeycombed.<br />

The Graydon bibliographer might recognize the above publication as On Winding Waters, A Tale<br />

<strong>of</strong> Adventure and Peril (1902), or perhaps as On Winding Waters or The Cruise <strong>of</strong> the Jolly<br />

Rovers, published ten years before that. A rousing story is worth a few titles.<br />

In Graydon's The Wonderful Adventure on the Yukon Tributary (1898), Quin traverses an<br />

underground river to a valley <strong>of</strong> gold.<br />

Quin fell asleep with his head pillowed on a roll <strong>of</strong> blankets.<br />

An hour later, waking with a start, he was alarmed and<br />

bewildered to find himself in absolute darkness; he heard<br />

the swift rush <strong>of</strong> water, and felt the cool, damp air.<br />

"Where am I?" he cried.<br />

Don't be scared, man," Cranes voice answered. "It's all<br />

right. We're floating underground for a bit, but it won't be<br />

long until we get into sunlight again."<br />

Awed by their mystic surroundings, the voyagers were<br />

silent for a time. Suddenly a gray glimmer <strong>of</strong> light was<br />

seen in the distance. It rapidly grew larger and nearer,<br />

expanding to a spacious archway. Then it seemed to hurl<br />

itself forward, and the tossing craft was shot out into the<br />

dazzling glare <strong>of</strong> day.<br />

"Look!" shouted Crane. "The valley <strong>of</strong> gold!"<br />

But as shown to the right, there's more than precious metals<br />

at the headwaters!<br />

On an excursion to Algeria -- our hero is quite the traveler -- Quin takes the opposite route, and<br />

underground river ride to escape peril. From A Treacherous Rival (1900),<br />

Before they could realize their peril they were sucked into a cavernous hole, and dragged on at<br />

a dizzy speed through the fearful darkness.<br />

A rounded boulder just beneath the surface forced them apart. A foaming wave submerged<br />

Quin, and as he rose he heard a wild, desperate cry. Then, as he struck out with his arms and<br />

legs, he grasped a pinnacle or rock and clung to it for a short time, while he gained breath and<br />

strength.<br />

When he could hold fast no longer he trusted himself to the stream, and after several minutes<br />

he floated out from beneath the great mountain, into fresh air and sunshine. He swam clear <strong>of</strong><br />

the dangerous reefs, and at length, little the worse for the struggle, he was thrown ashore by a<br />

circling eddy <strong>of</strong> smooth water.<br />

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