Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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In the sketch to the<br />

right, the<br />

Moskenstrom ports to<br />

the Baltic, but there's<br />

no indication <strong>of</strong> an<br />

eastward extension.<br />

Chapter 15 -- The Maelstrom<br />

Kircher's theory wasn't confined to points north. His map <strong>of</strong> the Stretto di Messina between<br />

Calabria and the island <strong>of</strong> Sicily depicts a "Canalis Subterraneus in Charybdis" having a lateral to<br />

-- or from, we can't be sure -- Mt. Etna.<br />

Below is Eberhard Happel's map <strong>of</strong> oceanis currents from Groste Denkwiirdigkeiten der Welt oder<br />

Sogenannte Relationes Curiosae (1685). Borrowing from Kircher, Happle assumed a vast<br />

reservoir beneath each polar region, imbibing water at certain hours and expelling it at others.<br />

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