Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico

Underground Rivers - University of New Mexico


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Chapter 13 -- Hydrotheology/Theohydrology<br />

Springs<br />

Ocean<br />

In the subsequent two centuries, has Paley's watchmaker faded from the public eye?<br />

John Archibald Wheeler (1911-2008), student <strong>of</strong> Niels Bohr, colleague <strong>of</strong> Albert Einstein, teacher<br />

Richard Feynman and coiner the term "black hole," re-popularized the watchmaker analogy with<br />

the premise for what's come to be known as Intelligent Design. A "life-giving factor lies at the<br />

center <strong>of</strong> the whole machinery and design <strong>of</strong> the world."<br />

The alliance between God and the hydrologic cycle seems as strong as ever.<br />

DRAFT 1122//66//22001122<br />

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