Abu Jir Fay Zonunda (Batı Merkezi Irak) Petrol Rezerv Suyu ve Hidrokarbon Sızıntı Kimyası Salih M. Awadh 1 , M. Salih Bayraktutan 2 1 Bağdat Üniversitesi, Bağdat, Irak 2 AKM GRP, Ankara Araştrıma sahasında Abu Jir Fay zonu boyunca, Hidrokarbon sızıntılar yüzeyde kaynak suları ile bir çok noktada birlikte akmaktadır. Hidrojen sulfur gazı ile zengin kaynak suları atmosfere yukselmektedir. Bu hat boyunca hidrokarbon karışımı gaz-hidrat ateşe verilmektedir. Bu araştırmada , bir çok kaynak suyu ve gaz kimyasal bileşimi bakımından incelendi. Sular TDS bakımından cok zengin ve SO4 ve Cl baskın iyonlardır. Hidrokarbon birikintileri hidrostatik basınçla püskürmektedir. Fatha Formasyonu ( Miyosen yaşlı ) jips yatakları içinde yükselmektedir. Yüzeyde bir çok noktada geyser şeklinde püskürmeler gozlenmektedir. Derinliklerde bu HC sızıntı ve puskurmelerinin kaynağı, petrol-gaz kapanlarında birikmiştir. Yüzeye önemli miktarlarda ve kırık sistemlerinden yükselerek erişmektedir. Fay zonu birkaç km uzunlukta K-G dogrultuludur. Reduksiyon zonu içinde bakterial degradasyon gelişmiştir. Su tuzluluğu ve gaz sızıntısı, çevredeki bitki ve canlı hayatına zarar vermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Abu Jir Fay Zonu, Hidrokarbon sızıntısı, Jeokimya, Merkezi Irak 28

Chemistry of Oilfield Water and Hydrocarbon Seepage on Surface along Abu Jir Fault Zone, West and Central Iraq Salih M. Awadh 1 , M. Salih Bayraktutan 2 1 Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq 2 AKM GRP, Ankara Along Abu Jir fault zone, Hydrocarbons were flowed in association with the spring waters on surface in Hit area. These springs rich in H2S gas which moved upward with spring water, then eventually escapes to the atmosphere. Sometimes peoples ignite gas forming mass of flam on water surface. Hydrochemistry of many spring waters were investigated. These waters characterized by very high concentrations of total dissolved solid (TDS) where SO4= and Cl- as dominant anions. Hydrocarbon accumulations also intruded by hydrostatic pressure within gypsum beds of Fatha Formation (Miocene), and can be clearly seen as piles on surface. These hydrocarbons are generated and trapped at depth and leak in detectable quantities to the surface. The geochemical anomalies are close association with the fault zone which extends of several kilometers toward N-S approximately. Bacterial degradation has been happen within the reducing zone. Water salinity and leaking gas affect the environment and reflect the specific geobotany. Keywords: Abu Jir Fault Zone, Hydrocarbon seapage, Geochemistry, Central Iraq 29

Chemistry of Oilfield Water and Hydrocarbon Seepage on Surface along Abu<br />

Jir Fault Zone, West and Central Iraq<br />

Salih M. Awadh 1 , M. Salih Bayraktutan 2<br />

1 Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq<br />

2 AKM GRP, Ankara<br />

Along Abu Jir fault zone, Hydrocarbons were flowed in association with the spring waters on<br />

surface in Hit area. These springs rich in H2S gas which moved upward with spring water, then<br />

eventually escapes to the atmosphere. Sometimes peoples ignite gas forming mass of flam<br />

on water surface. Hydrochemistry of many spring waters were investigated. These waters<br />

characterized by very high concentrations of total dissolved solid (TDS) where SO4= and Cl- as<br />

dominant anions. Hydrocarbon accumulations also intruded by hydrostatic pressure within<br />

gypsum beds of Fatha Formation (Miocene), and can be clearly seen as piles on surface. These<br />

hydrocarbons are generated and trapped at depth and leak in detectable quantities to the<br />

surface. The geochemical anomalies are close association with the fault zone which extends<br />

of several kilometers toward N-S approximately. Bacterial degradation has been happen within<br />

the reducing zone. Water salinity and leaking gas affect the environment and reflect the specific<br />

geobotany.<br />

Keywords: Abu Jir Fault Zone, Hydrocarbon seapage, Geochemistry, Central Iraq<br />


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