NATURALHY (The Potential of Existing Natural Gas Network for Hydrogen Delivery) Project Objectives and Some Results Ayşe Yıldırım Turkish Petroleum Corporation, Research Center, Ankara The defining feature of global energy markets remains high and volatile prices, reflecting a tight balance of supply and demand. Renewable energy remains a small share of total global energy use, but most renewable sources experienced rapid growth in 2009. The use of hydrogen as an important energy carrier is an essential element for global sustainable development. However, there are many significant challenges for implementing all the components of a complete energy system based on hydrogen. Urgent progress towards the development of a full hydrogen system requires a practical strategy within the context of an existing, extensive natural gas system which has resulted from substantial capital investment over a long period of time. The NATURALHY project investigates the conditions under which hydrogen (pure or as a part of a hydrogen containing gas mixture) can be added to natural gas with acceptable consequences. The main objectives of the NATURALHY project are: • to define the conditions under which hydrogen can be added to natural gas in the existing natural gas system (transmission, distribution, end use, infrastructure and appliances) with regard to: § acceptable safety risks; § benefits; § impact on the integrity of the system; § consequences for gas quality management and for the end user. • to develop technical options (particularly membranes) to separate hydrogen from hydrogen/ natural gas mixtures; • to assess the socio-economic and life cycle aspects of the NATURALHY approach, thus illustrating the real value of the NATURALHY project. The project results show that existing natural gas grid has a potential for the transmission of hydrogen. However, there are also some technical limitations for delivery of hydrogen depending on the specific local situation of the natural gas network. Keywords : NaturalHy, Hydrogen, Life Cycle Aspect, Carbon Dioxide Emission, Energy Security 365

Yerçekimsel Üretim Yöntemi Yalçın Ermiş 1 , Abdurrahman Satman 2 , Ahmet Gümüş 1 1 Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı, Arama Daire Başkanlığı, Ankara 2 İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul Bu bildiride yerçekimsel özellikli kesişim kuyuları içeren uygulamalarla petrol sahalarında üretim artışını sağlamaya yönelik bir yöntem tanıtılmaktadır. “Yerçekimsel üretim yöntemi” olarak tanımlanan bu yöntemin geleneksel üretim yöntemlerine göre avantajları tartışılmaktadır. Yerçekimsel üretim yönteminde düşey ve yatay kuyuların kesiştirilmesi sonucu oluşan bir sistemle üretim artışı amaçlanmaktadır. Düşey ve yatay kuyularının kesiştirilmesi ve uygun ortamlarda çapraz kesişme sistemleriyle, düşey ve yatay kuyuların üretimleri birleştirilmekte, üretim alanı genişletilmekte, ayrıca uygun rezervuarlarda düşey ve yatay kuyular arasındaki kot farkından ve dolayısıyla petrol akışında gravite etkisinden yararlanarak üretim artışı sağlanmakta ve ayrıca yatay kuyu özelliğinden dolayı olası su konileşmesi olayının olumsuz etkisi azaltılırken, normal yatay kuyularda olduğundan farklı olarak pompa daha derine yerleştirilerek üretim debisinde artış sağlanmaktadır. Önerilen sistemler için ilk yatırım maliyeti yüksek olmakla beraber, üretim artışından dolayı sistemler çekici hale gelmektedir. Çaylarbaşı sahası için tasarlanan çapraz kesişim kuyulu sistem hakkında bilgi verilmekte, Batı Raman sahasında yapılan uygulama sonuçları sunulmaktadır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Yerçekimi üretim yöntemi, kesişen kuyular, saha uygulamaları 366

NATURALHY (The Potential of Existing Natural Gas Network for Hydrogen<br />

Delivery) Project Objectives and Some Results<br />

Ayşe Yıldırım<br />

Turkish Petroleum Corporation, Research Center, Ankara<br />

The defining feature of global energy markets remains high and volatile prices, reflecting a tight<br />

balance of supply and demand. Renewable energy remains a small share of total global energy<br />

use, but most renewable sources experienced rapid growth in 2009. The use of hydrogen as an<br />

important energy carrier is an essential element for global sustainable development. However,<br />

there are many significant challenges for implementing all the components of a complete energy<br />

system based on hydrogen. Urgent progress towards the development of a full hydrogen system<br />

requires a practical strategy within the context of an existing, extensive natural gas system which<br />

has resulted from substantial capital investment over a long period of time. The NATURALHY<br />

project investigates the conditions under which hydrogen (pure or as a part of a hydrogen<br />

containing gas mixture) can be added to natural gas with acceptable consequences. The main<br />

objectives of the NATURALHY project are: • to define the conditions under which hydrogen can<br />

be added to natural gas in the existing natural gas system (transmission, distribution, end use,<br />

infrastructure and appliances) with regard to: § acceptable safety risks; § benefits; § impact on<br />

the integrity of the system; § consequences for gas quality management and for the end user.<br />

• to develop technical options (particularly membranes) to separate hydrogen from hydrogen/<br />

natural gas mixtures; • to assess the socio-economic and life cycle aspects of the NATURALHY<br />

approach, thus illustrating the real value of the NATURALHY project. The project results show<br />

that existing natural gas grid has a potential for the transmission of hydrogen. However, there are<br />

also some technical limitations for delivery of hydrogen depending on the specific local situation<br />

of the natural gas network.<br />

Keywords : NaturalHy, Hydrogen, Life Cycle Aspect, Carbon Dioxide Emission, Energy Security<br />


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