Türkiye’de MTA’nın Jeotermal Enerji Arama Faaliyetleri Abdurrahman Murat, İsmail Kara Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü, Enerji Hammadde Etüt ve Arama Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara Bilindiği gibi ülkemiz jeotermal enerji açısından önemli bir potansiyele sahiptir. Bu potansiyelin ortaya çıkarılması ve değerlendirilmesi konusunda Genel Müdürlüğümüz öncü rol üstlenmekte ve önemli projelere imza atmaktadır. Türkiye’nin teorik jeotermal enerji potansiyeli 31.500 MWt olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ülkemizde ilk jeotermal enerji aramaları MTA Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından 1962 yılında İzmir Balçova’da başlatılmıştır. O yıldan günümüze kadar, 504 adet, 252.515 m sondajlı arama yapılarak 190 adet saha keşfedilmiş ve doğal çıkışlar dahil 4550 MWt ısı enerjisi kullanıma hazır hale getirilmiş olup, 173 adet olan keşfedilmiş jeotermal saha sayısı da sondajlı aramalarla 190 adet sahaya çıkarılmıştır. Türkiye’de jeotermal enerji, başta termal turizm, ısıtma, seracılık, elektrik üretimi ve endüstriyel mineral (CO2) elde edilmesi amaçlı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Türkiye’de elektrik üretimine uygun, MTA tarafından keşfedilmiş 18 jeotermal saha bulunmaktadır. Bu sahalardan halihazırda elektrik üreten ve/veya projelendirilmiş lisansı alınmış 7 saha bulunmaktadır. Ülkemizde jeotermal enerjiden elektrik üretiminin 2013 yılı sonunda 600 MWe ulaşabileceği öngörülmektedir. Ülkemizde jeotermal enerjiden doğrudan kullanım olarak, merkezi ısıtma, sera ısıtması ve termal turizmde yararlanılmaktadır. Ülkemizde 18 yerleşim birimimizde merkezi konut ısıtması (81060 konut eşdeğeri, 729 MWt), 15 sahada seracılık (1989500 m2, 379 MWt) ve 306 adet termal tesiste tedavi ve termal turizm amaçlı yararlanılmaktadır. Daire Başkanlığımızca, 2010 yılı içerisinde programlanan 26 adet kuyuda, sondaj çalışmalarına başlanmış olup bunlardan 19 adedi tamamlanarak toplamda 21533.15 m jeotermal sondaj derinliğine ulaşılmıştır. Tamamlanan kuyularla ülke potansiyeline 119,38 MWt enerji eklenerek, sadece Genel Müdürlüğümüz tarafından açılan sondajlarla açığa çıkarılan jeotermal enerji potansiyeli 3906 MWt’e ulaşmıştır. 320

The Geothermal Energy Exploration Activities of MTA in Turkey Abdurrahman Murat, İsmail Kara General Dİrectorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Research and Exploration Department of Energy Resources, Ankara As is known, our country has a great potential in terms of geothermal energy. Our Directorate- General plays an important role in the discovery and evaluation of this potential and produces significant projects in this respect. The theoretical geothermal energy potential of Turkey is accepted as 31,500 MWt. In our country, the first geothermal energy exploration studies were initiated by MTA in 1962 in İzmir Balçova. Up to now, 504 wells, having a total depth of 252.515m, have been drilled, and a total of 190 geothermal fields have been discovered, and including the natural discharges, a total of 4550 MWt heat energy has been produced. The number of discovered geothermal fields has increased from 173 to 190 with the drilling activities. In Turkey, geothermal energy is mainly used in thermal tourism, space heating, greenhouse applications, electricity production and industrial mineral (CO2) production. In Turkey, there are 18 geothermal fields, discovered by MTA, which are suitable for geothermal power production. Within these fields, there are 7 fields which are currently used for electricity production and/or in project stage with license. In our country power production from geothermal energy is expected to reach 600 MWe by the end of 2013. The direct use applications of geothermal energy in our country include district heating, greenhouse heating and thermal tourism. Currently, there are 18 settlements which use geothermal for central house heating (81060 Residance Equivalence, 729 MWt), there are 15 fields where greenhouse heating is applied (1989500 m2, 379 MWt) and there are a total of 306 thermal resorts which offer medical treatment and thermal tourism applications. In our department, drilling studies have been initiated in a total of 26 wells that were programmed in 2010, and 19 of these wells have been completed, reaching a total geothermal drilling depth of 21533.15 m. With the completed wells, about 119,38 MWt of energy has been added to the country potential, and only with the wells drilled by our directorate the geothermal energy potential has reached 3906 MWt. 321

The Geothermal Energy Exploration Activities of MTA in Turkey<br />

Abdurrahman Murat, İsmail Kara<br />

General Dİrectorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Research and Exploration<br />

Department of Energy Resources, Ankara<br />

As is known, our country has a great potential in terms of geothermal energy. Our Directorate-<br />

General plays an important role in the discovery and evaluation of this potential and produces<br />

significant projects in this respect. The theoretical geothermal energy potential of Turkey is<br />

accepted as 31,500 MWt. In our country, the first geothermal energy exploration studies were<br />

initiated by MTA in 1962 in İzmir Balçova. Up to now, 504 wells, having a total depth of 252.515m,<br />

have been drilled, and a total of 190 geothermal fields have been discovered, and including the<br />

natural discharges, a total of 4550 MWt heat energy has been produced. The number of discovered<br />

geothermal fields has increased from 173 to 190 with the drilling activities. In Turkey, geothermal<br />

energy is mainly used in thermal tourism, space heating, greenhouse applications, electricity<br />

production and industrial mineral (CO2) production. In Turkey, there are 18 geothermal fields,<br />

discovered by MTA, which are suitable for geothermal power production. Within these fields,<br />

there are 7 fields which are currently used for electricity production and/or in project stage with<br />

license. In our country power production from geothermal energy is expected to reach 600 MWe<br />

by the end of 2013. The direct use applications of geothermal energy in our country include<br />

district heating, greenhouse heating and thermal tourism. Currently, there are 18 settlements<br />

which use geothermal for central house heating (81060 Residance Equivalence, 729 MWt), there<br />

are 15 fields where greenhouse heating is applied (1989500 m2, 379 MWt) and there are a total<br />

of 306 thermal resorts which offer medical treatment and thermal tourism applications. In our<br />

department, drilling studies have been initiated in a total of 26 wells that were programmed in<br />

2010, and 19 of these wells have been completed, reaching a total geothermal drilling depth<br />

of 21533.15 m. With the completed wells, about 119,38 MWt of energy has been added to<br />

the country potential, and only with the wells drilled by our directorate the geothermal energy<br />

potential has reached 3906 MWt.<br />


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