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present situation looks like this: Natural gas data recapitulated: USGS: 92.491,215 BBBOE(Total);<br />

Thematic maps: 99.144,405,9 BBBOE (Proven); BP: 49.23 BBBOE (Proven). Again, I take the USGS<br />

figures as an optimistic outlook. In that case, we can hope for another 30 BBBOE natural gas discovery<br />

in the future. The mediterranean is also not rich in coal resources: In coal we have 74.531,7 BBBOE<br />

energy in coal around the Mediterranean.<br />

Nuclear power in the Mediterranean: a very active and worry some place in nuclear developments.<br />

There are 436 reactors in the world. 19 % of it is around the Mediterranean. The largest number<br />

of countries planning to build reactors are here! Level of worker sophistication is lower around the<br />

Mediterranean than in northern European countries (cultural problem). It is lower in southern and<br />

eastern Mediterranean countries than in northern and western Mediterranean countries. A critical<br />

safety factor that must not be ignored for the sake of political correctness! Current U reserves from<br />

the Mediterranean countries are 230,945 tonnes which might last about 20 years. The existing<br />

reactors in the circum-Mediterranean countries generate some 19% of the total nuclear energy being<br />

generated in the world by nuclear reactors. This is now equivalent to about 386 MMBOE/a. 386 X 20<br />

= 7.720 BBBOE for the next 20 years.<br />

The so-called renewable energy potential of the Mediterranean: Moving water, wind, sun. These are<br />

as renewable as the evolving earth system permits them to be. We humans can and have already<br />

interfered with the earth system and already jeopardised a part of the renewability of our so-called<br />

renewable energy resources. The greatest folly of all times:<br />

“The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it’<br />

Karl Marx, Theses on Feuerbach<br />

If we do not know what we are changing we would be inviting disaster.<br />

Now let us look at moving water: 1) Streams on land (rivers). 2) Streams in the sea (currents). 3) Tidal<br />

motions in the sea (negligible in the Mediterranean)<br />

Here we deal only with streams on land. The Mediterranean is mostly classified as small coastal<br />

drainage area: i.e., no large rivers. From their little rivers, the Mediterranan countries annually can<br />

obtain the following amount of energy in TW•h/a 444.25=261 MBBO But this is renewable! Or, is it?<br />

The Future of Renewable Energy Resources for the Mediterranean Basin: Types of renewable resources<br />

considered: water, wind, solar. Assessment of renewable resource potential for a particular site<br />

requires high spatial and temporal resolution studies. Here we are relying on following assumptions<br />

and proxys:<br />

Simulations with a global (i.e. coarse) climate system model (in our case, the Community Climate<br />

System Model (CCSM) of the National Center for Atmospheric Research)<br />

A particular greenhouse gas concentration scenario for the 21th Century, in our case SRES A2<br />

scenario (one of the worst case scenarios). Proxys for renewables: renewable energy resource and the<br />

proxy field of the GCM. For the hydroelectric power, the proxy is th annual total surface runoff. For<br />

wind power, it is wind at 2m height and for solar power downwelling solar flux density at the surface:<br />

Here we considered two time intervals and we averaged over them: 2021-2050 (relatively speaking,<br />

short-to-mid-term)and 2061-2090 (long-term). The resutls show the following energy potentials:<br />

water: 261 MBBO/a (with decreasing potential); wind: 250 MBBO/a (with decreasing potential); Sun:<br />

198 x 1012 BBBOE/a (with increasing potential).<br />

Now we can enunciate our Safety rule # 2: Understanding the source and necessity of energy.<br />

Such understanding can only come from a proper education in natural sciences. Natural science<br />

education in schools should not be left under the control of national governments, but must be<br />

dictated and periodically checked by an international body of science academies. No factor other<br />

than science should be allowed to interfere with the planning and execution of science instruction.<br />

Safety rule # 2-corollary: One needs politicians better educated in natural sciences and a new class of<br />

science bureaucrats that can effectively bridge the gap between scientists and politicians. Politicians<br />

must remember Charles Darwin’s golden rule: vox populi is not vox dei (i.e., not everything improves<br />

when made more democratic). Safety rule # 3: The circum-Mediterranean countries must develop a<br />

joint military force 1) to protect what little energy resources they have and, more importantly, the<br />

energy corridors leading to them from their energy-rich neighbours. Specialist forces and appropriate<br />

‛conventions’ for guerrila warfare are especially necessary; 2) to help collect observations on energy<br />

variables; 3) to help bridge cultural gaps especially between the north (mainly Christian) and the<br />

south (mainly Muslim).<br />


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